^ 2.02.1Owen, Richard. Report on British fossil reptiles. Part II.. Report of the Eleventh Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science; Held at Plymouth in July 1841. 1841: 60–204 [2021-12-04]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-04).From p. 103: (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) "The combination of such characters ... will, it is presumed, be deemed sufficient ground for establishing a distinct tribe or sub-order of Saurian Reptiles, for which I would propose the name of Dinosauria*. (*Gr. δεινός, fearfully great; σαύρος, a lizard. ... )【中譯:這些特徵的組合……推測將被視為建立一個獨特的大型爬行动物族別或亚目的充分理由,為此我建議命名為“Dinosauria”*(*希臘文:δεινός,大而恐怖的;σαύρος,蜥蜴……)】"