有一种称为Risch算法的程序,能确定初等函数(由有限多指数、对数、常数、方根通过有限次复合、4种初等运算组成)的积分是否初等,如果是,则可以返回待求积分。Risch算法的最初形式并不适合直接实现,其完整运算需要很长时间。它最早是在ruduce中实现了纯超越函数,James H. Davenport在reduce中解决了纯代数函数,Manuel Bronstein解决了一般情况,并在Axiom中实现了几乎全部算法。不过迄今为止,还没有一种Risch算法程序能处理其中所有特例与分支。[1][2]
^K.O Geddes, M.L. Glasser, R.A. Moore and T.C. Scott, Evaluation of Classes of Definite Integrals Involving Elementary Functions via Differentiation of Special Functions, AAECC (Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing), vol. 1, (1990), pp. 149–165, [1]
^K.O. Geddes and T.C. Scott, Recipes for Classes of Definite Integrals Involving Exponentials and Logarithms, Proceedings of the 1989 Computers and Mathematics conference, (held at MIT June 12, 1989), edited by E. Kaltofen and S.M. Watt, Springer-Verlag, New York, (1989), pp. 192–201. [2]
Moses, Joel, Symbolic integration: the stormy decade, Proceedings of the Second ACM Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation (Los Angeles, California), March 23–25, 1971: 427–440