卡拉·德瓦尼(Kara Devaney)的一项题目为《跨性别研究文献综述》的研究指出,“跨性别”一词包含了无数个不同且独特的,不遵循“常态”性别规则的身份。[來源請求]波特兰州立大学女性、性别与性取向研究副教授米里安姆·J·阿贝尔森(Miriam J. Abelson)写道:“毫无疑问,跨性别男性的经历就是男性的经历,且使我们得以更加深入地理解男性、男性气质和性别不平等。”[24]
和顺性别男性一样,跨性别男性同样可以有包括异性恋、同性恋、双性恋、酷儿等各种性取向或性向认同[4]。一些跨性别男性认为传统的性取向标签并不适合他们。学术文献普遍表明,比起跨性别女性,跨性别男性被同性所吸引的情况要少见不少;也就是说,比起跨性别女性被女性所吸引,跨性别男性更少被同性所吸引。换句话说,绝大多数跨性别男性是异性恋。不过,美国国家跨性别平等中心(英语:National Center for Transgender Equality)2015年的调查则显示,跨性别男性的性取向或性向认同中存在着更大的方差。在该调查中,23%的受访者认为自己是异性恋,而认同自己为酷儿(24%)、泛性恋(17%)、双性恋(12%)或同性恋(12%)的则占了受访者中的大部分(65%)[25]。
^ 4.04.1Bockting, Walter; Benner, Autumn; Coleman, Eli. Gay and Bisexual Identity Development Among Female-to-Male Transsexuals in North America: Emergence of a Transgender Sexuality. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 28 March 2009, 38 (5): 688–701. PMID 19330439. S2CID 27207925. doi:10.1007/s10508-009-9489-3.
^Swann, William B.; Gómez, Ángel; Vázquez, Alexandra; Guillamón, Antonio; Segovia, Santiago; Carillo, Beatriz. Fusion with the Cross-Gender Group Predicts Genital Sex Reassignment Surgery. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 10 February 2015, 44 (5): 1313–1318. PMID 25666854. S2CID 3261825. doi:10.1007/s10508-014-0470-4.
^Polly, Ryan; Nicole, Julie. Understanding transsexual patients: culturally sensitive care in emergency nursing practice. Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal. March 2011, 33 (1): 55–64 [2022-05-14]. PMID 21317698. S2CID 2481961. doi:10.1097/TME.0b013e3182080ef4. (原始内容存档于2022-03-11). The use of terminology by transsexual individuals to self-identify varies. As aforementioned, many transsexual individuals prefer the term transgender, or simply trans, as it is more inclusive and carries fewer stigmas. There are some transsexual individuals, however, who reject the term transgender; these individuals view transsexualism as a treatable congenital condition. Following medical and/or surgical transition, they live within the binary as either a man or a woman and may not disclose their transition history.
^A Swenson, Medical Care of the Transgender Patient, in Family Medicine (2014): "While some transsexual people still prefer to use the term to describe themselves, many transgender people prefer the term transgender to transsexual."
^Transsexualism. Gender Centre. March 2014 [2016-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04). Transsexualism is often included within the broader term 'transgender', which is generally considered an umbrella term for people who do not conform to typically accepted gender roles for the sex they were assigned at birth. The term 'transgender' is a word employed by activists to encompass as many groups of gender diverse people as possible. However, many of these groups individually don't identify with the term. Many health clinics and services set up to serve gender variant communities employ the term, however most of the people using these services again don't identify with this term. The rejection of this political category by those that it is designed to cover clearly illustrates the difference between self-identification and categories that are imposed by observers to understand other people.
^Meriggiola, Maria Cristina; Gava, Giulia. Endocrine care of transpeople part I. A review of cross-sex hormonal treatments, outcomes and adverse effects in transmen. Clinical Endocrinology (Wiley). 25 March 2015, 83 (5): 597–606. ISSN 0300-0664. PMID 25692791. S2CID 11480289. doi:10.1111/cen.12753. hdl:11585/541907.
^Rohde, Maggi. FAQ - Transgenderism. The Alliance of Les-Bi-Gay-Transgender and Straight Ally Students, Michigan State University. 1996 [4 June 2022]. (原始内容存档于20 May 2008).
^Patel, Jharna M.; Dolitsky, Shelley; Bachman, Gloria A.; Buckley de Meritens, Alexandre. Gynecologic cancer screening in the transgender male population and its current challenges. Maturitas (Elsevier BV). 20 August 2019, 129: 40–44. ISSN 0378-5122. PMID 31547911. S2CID 201958946. doi:10.1016/j.maturitas.2019.08.009.
^ 32.032.1Frank, S. E.; Dellaria, Jac. Navigating the Binary: A Visual Narrative of Trans and Genderqueer Menstruation. The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Menstruation Studies. Singapore: Springer Singapore. 25 July 2020: 69–76. ISBN 978-981-15-0613-0. PMID 33347161. doi:10.1007/978-981-15-0614-7_7(英语).