Queyu (Choyo, Choyu) is a Qiangic language of Yajiang County and Xinlong County, Sichuan. It is similar with and shares a name with Zhaba, but the two languages are distinct from each other.
Suzuki & Wangmo (2016)[2] consider the Lhagang Choyu language to be similar to but not part of Choyu proper, which consists of the four dialects listed above.
Huang & Dai (1992)[4] document the Queyu dialect spoken in Youlaxi Township 尤拉西乡, Xinlong County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan.
Lhagang Choyu
Lhagang Choyu (Chinese: Tagong Queyu 塔公却域語) is a Qiangic language similar to Choyu recently described by Suzuki & Wangmo (2018).[11] It is spoken in Tage [Thabs-mkhas] Hamlet, southwestern Tagong [lHa-sgang] Town, Kangding [Dar-mdo] Municipality, Sichuan Province, China. It used to be spoken in Xiya 西雅 Hamlet of the same township (Suzuki & Wangmo 2016:63). Lhagang Choyu is an endangered language with about 100 speakers.