At the end of the 19th century the Finno-Ugric linguistic affinity became widely accepted after extensive public debate. In the First World War, particularly the Russian and Finnish Civil Wars, Hungary supported separatists, mainly Poland, but this included Finland to an extent.
When the Winter War broke out between Finland and the Soviet Union, many Hungarians felt great sympathy towards the Finns and wanted to help them.[4]
The Hungarian government officially did not support Finland, but secretly started searching for ways of helping.[5] In addition, non-governmental organisations began to organize support for Finland. Hungary helped Finland by giving monetary donations, armaments and military volunteers.
^Ruprecht Antal: Magyar önkéntesek a Téli háborúban – Unkarilaiset Vapaaehtoiset Talvisodassa; Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum, Budapest, 2003. pp. 9–11.
^Ruprecht Antal: Magyar önkéntesek a Téli háborúban – Unkarilaiset Vapaaehtoiset Talvisodassa; Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum, Budapest, 2003. pp. 9–11., 23–25., 91.