Since the eighth century, Insming has been known under different names: Asmengia (1106), Asmingiam (1152), Amanges (1296), Esminga and Einsminga (1299), Einsmingen (1456), Amangen and Enssmingen (1594). It is the oldest village of the canton of Albestroff. In the 12th century, it was the headquarters of a priesthood dependent on Saint-Mihiel Abbey, which was founded at the end of the 11th century. Insming was a small dependence of Counts de Ferrettes and de Montbeliard.
After World War II, Insming saw an economic boom, mainly thanks to Fernand Lambert, who was its mayor from 1945 to 1977. He inaugurated the first high school in the Moselle department after the war.
Things to see
The Saint-Clément church and its 18th-century organ, which is the biggest in Moselle, and possibly one of the largest in rural areas in the world.