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List of Greek and Latin roots in English/C

Lists of Greek and Latin roots in English beginning with other letters:


Root Meaning in English Origin language Etymology (root origin) English examples
cac-, kak-[1] bad Greek κακός (kakós), κάκιστος (kákistos) cachexia, cacistocracy, cacodemon, cacoepy, cacography, cacophobia, cacophobe, cacophobic, cacophonous, cacophony, cacorrhacitis, kakistocracy, kakistocrat
cad-, -cid-, cas- fall Latin cadere, casus accidence, accident, accidental, cadaver, cadaverine, cadaverous, cadence, cadency, cadent, cadential, cadenza, caducity, caducous, cascade, case, casual, casualty, casuistry, chance, cheat, chute, coincide, coincidence, coincident, coincidental, decadence, decadent, decay, decidua, decidual, deciduate, deciduation, deciduous, demicadence, escheat, escheatable, escheatage, escheatment, escheator, incidence, incident, incidental, nonaccidental, nondeciduous, nonincidental, parachute, postaccident, procidentia, recidivous, semelincident
caed-, -cid-, caes-, -cis- cut, kill Latin caedere, caesus caespitose, caesura, cement, cementation, cementitious, cementum, cespitose, chisel, circumcise, circumcision, concise, concision, decidability, decidable, decide, decision, decisive, deciso, excide, excise, excision, excisional, fungicide germicide, genocide, herbicide homicide, imprecise, imprecision, incise, incision, incisive, incisor, incisory, incisure, indecision, indecisive, occision, pesticide, précis, precise, precision, scissors, semidecidable, succise, succision, suicide
cal-, call- beautiful Greek καλός (kalós) "beautiful"; κάλλος (kállos) "beauty", κάλλιστος (kállistos) calisthenics, calligraphy, Callista, Callisto, calophyllous, kaleidoscope
cal- call Latin calare calendar, claim, class, conciliate, conciliatory, council, intercalate, nomenclature
cal- heat Latin calere, calor "heat" caldarium, caldera, calefacient, calefaction, calefactive, calefactory, calenture, calescent, calid, calor, calore, caloric, calorie, calorifacient, calorific, calorigenic, calorimeter, caudle, cauldron, chafe, chafery, chalder, chaldron, chaud-froid, chauffer, chauffeur, chauffeuse, decalescence, decalescent, nonchalance, nonchalant, recalescence, scald
calc- calcium, stone Latin and Greek from Latin calx (genitive calcis) "lime", from Greek χάλιξ (khálix) "pebble", "limestone" calcite, calcitrant, calcium, calculate, calculus, chalicothere, chalk, recalcitrant
calv-, calum- trick, lie, deceive Latin calumnia "slander, trickery", from calvi "to trick, deceive" calumnious, calumny, cavil, challenge
calyp-[2] cover Greek καλύπτειν (kalúptein), καλυπτός (kaluptós), κάλυξ, κάλυκος (kálux, kálukos) apocalypse, apocalyptic, apocalypticism, calyce, calyptra, Calyptrogyne, calyx, epicalyx, eucalypt, eucalyptus
cameria- vault Latin camera antechamber, bicameral, camaraderie, camber, camera, chamber, chamberlain, comrade, concamerate, concameration, multicamera, tricameral, unicameral
camiso- shirt Latin camisia camisade, camisado, Camisard, camisole, chemise
camp- field Latin campus "field", "level ground" camp, campaign, campesino, campestral, campicolous, campimetry, campo, campsite, campus, champertous, champerty, champignon, champion, decamp, decampment, encamp, encampment
can- dog Latin canis canaille, canary, canicular, canicule, canid, canine, Canis, Canis Major, postcanine
can- reed, rod Greek κάννα (kánna), κανών (kanṓn) cane, canister, canon, canonic
can-, -cin-, cant-, -cent- sing Latin canere, cantus accent, accentual, accentuate, accentuation, canción, canorous, cant, cantabile, cantata, cantation, cantatory, cantatrice, canticle, canticum, cantiga, cantilena, cantillate, cantillation, cantion, canto, cantor, cantus, canzona, canzone, Carmen, chanson, chansonnier, chant, chanteur, chanteuse, chanticleer, charm, concent, descant, discant, discantus, disenchant, disenchantment, disencharm, disincentive, enchant, enchantment, enchantress, incantation, incantational, incentive, plainchant, precentor, recant, recantation, succentor, vaticinate, vaticination, vaticinator
cand-, cend- glowing, iridescent Latin candere "to be white or glisten" candela, candid, candidate, candle, candor, incandescent, incendiary, incense
cap-, -cip-, capt-, -cept- hold, take Latin capere, captus "take or hold" (vowel changes from a to i in compounds) capable, capacious, captive, caption, captivate, capture, conception, except, forceps, incipient, intercept, recipient
capit-, -cipit- head Latin caput, capitis achievable, achieve, achievement, ancipital, ancipitous, biceps, bicipital, cabotage, cad, caddie, cadet, cape, capital, capitular, capitulate, capitulation, captain, chapter, chaptrel, chattel, chef, chief, chieftain, co-captain, co-captaincy, decapitate, decapitation, occipital, occiput, precipitation, precipitous, quadriceps, recap, recapitulate, sincipital, sinciput, sous-chef, subcaptain, triceps, tricipital, unicipital, vice-captain, vice-captaincy
capn-[3] smoke Greek καπνός (kapnós), καπνόομαι capnogram, capnograph, capnography, capnolagnia, capnomancy, capnometer, capnometry, capnomor, capnophile, hypercapnia, hypocapnia
capr- goat Latin caper (genitive capri) "goat", also capreolus "wild goat" cab, caper, caprice, Capricorn, caprine
caps- box, case Latin capsa capsule
carbon- coal Latin carbo, carbonis bicarbonate, carbon, carbonara, carbonate, carbonation, Carboniferous, carbuncle, radiocarbon
carcer- jail Latin carcer, carcerare, cancelli chancel, chancellery, chancellor, chancery, incarcerate, incarceration, subchancel
carcin- cancer (disease) Latin from Greek Latin from Greek καρκίνος (karkínos) "crab" carcinogenic, carcinoma
cardi-[4] heart Greek καρδιά (kardiá) cardiac, cardialgia, cardiograph, cardioid, cardiologist, cardiology, cardiomegaly, cardiomyopathy, cardioplegia, cardioplegic, cardiospasm, electrocardiogram, electrocardiography, endocardium, epicardium, hemicardia, myocardium, neurocardiology, pericardium
cardin- hinge Latin cardo, cardinis cardinal, cardinality, kern
carn- flesh Latin caro, carnis carnage, carnal, carnality, carnary, carnate, carnation, carneous, carnival, carnivore, carnose, carnosity, carrion, caruncle, carunculate, charcuterie, charnel, discarnate, incarnadine, incarnate, incarnation, reincarnate, reincarnation
carp-[5] fruit Greek καρπός (karpós) acarpous, acrocarpous, amphicarpous, angiocarpous, anisocarpic, Carpo, carpogonium, carpology, carpophagous, carpophore, carpospore, cystocarp, dipterocarp, endocarp, epicarp, exocarp, Karpos, mericarp, mesocarp, monocarpic, pericarp, polycarpic, procarp, pseudocarp
carp-[6] wrist Greek καρπός (karpós) carpal, carpal tunnel syndrome, carpus, metacarpus
cast- pure, cut Latin castrare and castus, from kes- (to cut) caste, castigate, castrate, chaste, chastity, incest
cata-, cat- down, against, back Greek κατά (katá) "down, against, back" catabolic, catacomb, catalyst, catarrhine, catastrophe, catatonia, cathode, cation
caten- chain Latin catena catenary, concatenation
cathar-[7] pure Greek καθαρός (katharós) catharsis, cathartic
caud- tail Latin cauda caudal, coda
caus-, -cus- cause or motive Latin causa accuse, because, causal, causative, cause, excuse
caust-, caut- burn Greek καίειν (kaíein), καυστός, καυτός (kaustós, kautós), καυστικός (kaustikós), καῦσις (kaûsis), καῦμα (kaûma) calm, catacaustic, causalgia, causalgic, caustic, cauter, cauterize, cautery, diacaustic, encaustic, holocaust, hypocaust
cav- hollow Latin cavus cave, cavity, excavation, cavern, cavernous, concave
ced-, cess- move, yield, go, surrender Latin cedere, cessus accede, cede, concede, precede, procedure, proceed, procession, recede, secede, succeed, success
cel- hide Latin celare "to hide" ceiling, clandestine, conceal, occult
celer- quick Latin celer, celerare acceleration, celerity
cen-, caen-[8] new Greek καινός (kainós) caenogastropod, caenogenesis, Cenozoic
cen- empty Greek κενός (kenós) cenotaph, kenosis
cen-, coen-[9] common Greek κοινός (koinós) cenobite, coenesthesia, coenocyte, epicene, epicœne, koinonos, koinophilia
cens- to assess Latin censere censure, census
cent- hundred Latin centum cent, centennial, centurion, percent, century
centen- hundred each Latin centeni centenarian, centenary
centesim- hundredth Latin centesimus centesimal, centesimation
centr- center Greek κεντεῖν, κέντησις, κέντρον (kéntron) "needle", "spur", κεντρικός, κεντρισμός acentric, acrocentric, amniocentesis, anthropocentric, anthropocentrism, barycenter, biocentric, biocentrism, centaur, centauromachy, centesis, centre, centric, centrism, centrist, centroid, centromere, centromeric, centrosphere, centrosymmetric, centrosymmetry, centrum, eccentric, eccentrism, eccentrist, ecocentric, ecocentrism, ecocentrist, egocentric, egocentrism, enterocentesis, epicentre, holocentric, metacentric, monocentric, neocentromere, orthocenter, orthocentric, paracentesis, pericardiocentesis, technocentric, technocentrism, telocentric, thoracentesis, thoracocentesis
centri- center Latin centrum central, center, concentrate, concentric, centrifugal, centripetal
cephal- head Greek κεφαλή (kephalḗ) acephalic, acephaly, anencephaly, autocephaly, brachiocephalic, brachycephalic, cephalic, cephalomancy, cephalometry, cephalon, cephalopagus, cephalopod, diencephalon, dolichocephalic, encephalitis, encephalogram, encephalopathy, holoprosencephaly, hydrocephalus, macrocephaly, mesaticephalic, mesencephalic, mesocephalic, metencephalon, microcephaly, myelencephalon, neencephalon, paleencephalon, prosencephalon, rhombencephalon, rhombencephalosynapsis, syncephalus, telencephalon
ceram- clay Greek κέραμος (kéramos) ceramic
cerat- horn Greek κέρας (kéras), κέρατος (kératos) keratin, triceratops
cern-, cer- sift Latin cernere "to sift, separate" ascertain, certain, concern, concert, decree, discern, excrement, secern, secret
cervic- relating to the neck, relating to the cervix Latin cervix, cervicis "neck" cervix, cervical
ceter- other Latin ceterus et cetera
chaet-[10] hair, bristle, or seta Greek χαίτη (khaítē) "long hair" chaetophobia, chaetophorous, Chaetomium, Chaetomorpha, Oligochaeta, Polychaeta, polychaete, spirochaete, spirochete
chir-[11] of the hand or hands Greek χείρ (kheír) "hand" chiral, chiropractic, chiroptera, chirurgy, enchiridion, Haplocheirus
chelon- relating to a turtle Greek χελώνη (khelṓnē) "tortoise" Archelon, chelonia
chlor-[12] green Greek χλωρός (khlōrós) chloranthy, chlorine, chlorophobia, chlorophyll, chloroplast, pyrochlore
chondr- cartilage Greek χόνδρος (khóndros) hypochondriasis, osteochondritis
chore- relating to dance Greek χορεία (khoreía) "dancing in unison" from χορός (khorós) "chorus" chorea, choree, choreia, choreography, chorus, hemichorea
chord-[13] cord Latin and Greek chorda "rope" from χορδή (khordḗ) chordata, cord, hexachord, monochord, polychord, tetrachord
chres- use Greek χράω, χρῆσθαι (khrêsthai), χρηστός (khrēstós), χρήστης, χρῆσις (khrêsis), χρήσιμος chresard, chresonym, chrestomathic, chrestomathy, heterochresonym, heterochresonymy, orthochresonym, orthochresonymy
chro-, chrom- color Greek χρῶμα (khrôma) achromat, achromatic, achromatism, achromatopsia, achromatopsic, amphichroic, apochromat, auxochrome, chroma, chromatic, chromatid, chromatophore, chrome, chromium, chromogen, chromolithography, chromophobia, chromophore, chromosome, dichroic, dichroism, dichromatic, heliochrome, heterochromatic, heterochromatin, microchromosome, monochromatic, monochrome, photochromism, pleochroism, polychromatic, polychrome, trichroism, trichromatic, trichromic
chron-[14] time Greek χρόνος (khrónos) anachronism, asynchronous, biochronology, chronaxie, chronic, chronicle, chronogram, chronograph, chronology, chronometer, chronometry, chronophobia, chronophotography, chronostasis, geochronology, heterochrony, hydrochronometer, isochron, protochronism, synchronic, synchronism, synchronize, synchronous, tautochrone
chrys-[15] gold Greek χρυσός (khrusós), χρύσεος "golden" chrysalis, chryselephantine, chrysolite, chrysophobia, chrysoprase
cili- eyelash Latin cilium cilia, supercilious
ciner- ash Latin cinis, cineris incineration
cing-, cinct- gird Latin cingere, cinctus succinct
circ- circle, ring Latin circulus, circus circle, circular, circulate, circus
circum- around Latin circum circumcise, circumference, circumlocution, circumnavigate, circumscribe
cirr-[16] orange Greek κιρρός (kirrhós) cirrhosis
cirr- curl, tentacle Latin cirrus cirrus
cis- on this side of, on the side nearer to the speaker (as opposed to trans-) Latin cis cisalpine, cisandine, cisatlantic, cisgangetic, cisgender, cisjurane, cisleithan, cislunar, cismontane, cispadane, cispontine, cisrhenane
cit- call, start Latin citare, frequentative of ciere citation, cite, excite, incite, solicit, solicitous
civ- citizen Latin civis civic, civil, civilian, civility, civilization
clad-[17] branch Greek κλάδος (kládos) clade, cladistics, cladogenesis, cladogram, heterocladic
clam- cry out Latin clamare acclaim, claim, clamor, exclamation, proclamation, reclamation
clar- clear Latin clarus, clarare clarity, clear, declaration
clast- broken Greek κλᾶν, κλαστός (klastós), κλάσις, κλάσμα anorthoclase, antanaclasis, clastic, iconoclast, orthoclase, osteoclast, plagioclase, pyroclastic, synclastic
claud-, -clud-, claus-, -clus- close, shut Latin claudere, clausus clause, claustrophobia, conclude, exclude, exclusive, include, occlusion, occult, recluse, seclude
clav- key Greek κλείς (kleís) "key" from κλείειν, (kleíein) "to close" clavichord, clavicle, conclave
cleist- closed Greek κλείειν, κλειστός (kleistós), κλεῖσμα cleistogamy, cleistothecium, enterocleisis, kleisma
cleithr- bar, key Greek κλεῖθρον (kleîthron) Clathrus, cleithrophobia, cleithrum
cle-[18] call Greek ἐκκλησίᾱ, κλῆσις, κλητός (ekklēsíā, klêsis, klētós) ecclesia, Ecclesiastes, ecclesiastic, ecclesiology, ecclesiophobia, epiclesis, paraclete
clin- bed Greek κλίνη (klínē) clinic
clin- lean, recline Latin -clinare decline, declination, incline, inclination, recline
cochl-[19] snail, spiral shell Greek κόχλος (kókhlos) cochlea
coel- hollow Greek κοῖλος (koîlos) blastocoel, coelom, coelomate, coelomic, enterocoely, pseudocoelomate, sarcocele, schizocoelomate, schizocoely, spongocoel
col- strain Latin colare, cōlum colander, coulee, coulis, coulisse, couloir, cullender, cullis, percolate, percolation, percolator, piña colada, portcullis
col-, cult- cultivate, till, inhabit Latin colere, cultus acculturate, acculturation, agriculture, apiculture, bicultural, colonial, colony, countercultural, counterculture, cult, cultivable, cultivate, cultivation, cultivator, cultural, culturati, culture, deculturate, deculturation, incult, inculturation, inquiline, inquilinity, inquilinous, intercultural, multicultural, postcolonial, precolonial, subcultural, subculture
coll- hill Latin collis colliculus
coll- neck Latin collum accolade, col, collar, decollate, decollation, décolletage, encollar
color- color Latin color bicolor, Colorado, coloration, coloratura, concolorous, decolor, discolor, discoloration, encolor, multicolor, quadricolor, recolor, tricolor, unicolor, versicolor
com- friendly, kind Latin cōmis "courteous, kind" comity
con-, co-, col-, com-, cor-[20] with, together Latin cum coagulate, collide, compress, connect, connote, contain, contribute, consult, constitution, corrode, quondam
con-[21] cone Greek κῶνος (kônos), κωνικός (kōnikós) conic, conical, conicoid, conodont, conoid, conoscope, orthocone, orthoconic, polyconic
condi- season Latin condire condiment
contra- against Latin contra contraband, contraception, contradict, contraindicate, contrast, contravene
copi- plenty Latin copia copious, copy, cornucopia
copr-[22] dung Greek κόπρος (kópros) copremia, coprographia, coprolagnia, coprolalia, coprolite, coprolith, coprology, coprophagia, coprophagy, coprophilia, copropraxia, encopresis, encopretic
copul- bond Latin copula "that which binds" copula, copulation, couple
cor-, cord- heart Latin cor, cordis accord, accordance, accordant, accordatura, concord, concordance, concordant, concordat, corcle, cordate, cordial, cordiality, cordiform, core, courage, courageous, discord, discordance, discordant, discourage, discouragement, encourage, encouragement, misericord, nonaccordant, obcordate, record, scordatura
corac-[23] raven Greek κόραξ, κόρακος (kórax, kórakos) coracoid
cori- hide, leather Latin corium, corii coriaceous, corious, corium, cuirass, cuirassier, cuirie, excoriate, excoriation
corn- horn Latin cornū bicorn, bicorne, Capricorn, cornea, corneal, corneous, corner, cornicle, corniculate, corniferous, cornification, corniform, cornucopia, quadricorn, quadricornous, tricorn, tricorne, tricornigerous, tricornute, unicorn, unicornous
coron- crown Latin corona, coronare corona, coronation, coronavirus, coroner, coronet, coroniform, Coronilla, crown, incoronate
corpor- body Latin corpus, corporis accorporate, bicorporal, concorporate, concorporation, corporal, corporality, corporate, corporation, corporative, corporature, corporeal, corporeality, corporeity, corps, corpse, corpulence, corpulent, corpus, corpuscle, corpuscular, disincorporate, disincorporation, extracorporeal, incorporal, incorporality, incorporate, incorporation, incorporeal, incorporeality, incorporeity, tricorporal
cortic- bark Latin cortex, corticis cortex, cortical, corticate, corticiform, corticifugal, corticipetal, decorticate, decortication, decorticator
cosm-[24] universe Greek κόσμος (kósmos) cosmic, cosmogeny, cosmogony, cosmology, cosmonaut, cosmopolitan, cosmopolite, cosmos, microcosm
cosmet- the art of dress and ornament Greek κοσμεῖν (kosmeîn), κοσμητική (kosmētikḗ) from κόσμος (kósmos) cosmesis, cosmetics, cosmetologist, cosmetology
cost- rib Latin costa accost, bicostate, coast, coastal, costa, costal, costate, curvicostate, entrecôte, infracostal, intercostal, intracoastal, multicostate, quadricostate, supracostal, tricostate, unicostate
cotyl-[25] cup Greek κοτύλη (kotúlē) cotyledon, dicotyledon, dicotyledonous, eudicotyledon, monocotyledon, monocotyledonous, tricotyledonous
-cracy, -crat government, rule, authority Greek κράτος (krátos), κρατία (kratía) acrasia, akrasia, akratic, anocracy, aristocracy, autocracy, autocrat, autocratic, bureaucracy, democracy, democratic, pancratium, plutocracy, technocracy, technocrat, theocracy
crani-[26] skull Greek κρανίον (kraníon) craniologist, craniometry, craniosynostosis, cranium, hemicrania, megrim, migraine
crass- thick Latin crassus crass, crassitude, crassulaceous
crea- make Latin creare, creatus creation, creative, creator, creature, creole, procreation, recreation
cred- believe, trust Latin credere, creditus accreditation, credence, credentials, credibility, credible, credit, creditor, credo, credulity, credulous, creed, discredit, incredible, incredulous, miscreant, recreant
crepid-[27] boot, shoe Greek κρηπίς, κρηπίδος (krēpís, krēpídos), κρηπίδιον, κρηπίδωμα crepidoma
cresc- grow, rise Latin crescere accresce, accrescence, accrescent, accrete, accretion, accrue, concrete, crescendo, crescent, crew, decrease, increase, recruit, recruitment, surcrew
cribr- sieve Latin cribrum, cribrare cribble, cribellate, cribellum, cribrate, cribriform, garble
cric-[28] ring Greek κρίκος (kríkos), κρικοειδής (krikoeidḗs) cricoid, cricoidectomy, Cricosaurus, cricothyroid, cricothyrotomy, cricotomy
crisp- curled Latin crispus crape, crepe, crêpe, crisp, crispate, crispation
crist- crest Latin crista crease, crest, cristate
crit-, crisi-[29] judge, separate Greek κρίνειν (krínein), κρίσις (krísis), κρίμα (kríma) apocrine, crisis, criterion, critic, critical, criticaster, criticise, criticism, critique, diacritic, eccrine, eccrinology, eccrisis, eccritic, endocrine, endocrinology, exocrine, heterocrine, holocrine, hypercriticism, hypocrisy, hypocrite, kritarchy, Kritosaurus, merocrine, syncrisis
cross-[30] fringe, tassel Greek κροσσός (krossós) crossopterygii
cruc- cross Latin crux, crucis cross, crucial, cruciate, crucifer, cruciferous, crucifix, crucifixion, cruciform, crucify, crucigerous, cruise, crusade, cruzeiro, discruciate, excruciate, intercross, recross
crur- leg, shank Latin crus, cruris bicrural, crural, crus, equicrural
cry- cold Greek κρύος (krúos) cryoablation, cryo-adsorption, cryobacterium, cryobiology, cryobot, cryochemistry, cryoelectronics, cryogenics, cryomicroscopy, cryoneurolysis, cryonics, cryopreservation, cryoprotectant, cryosphere, cryosurgery, cryotherapy, cryovolcano
-cry wail, shriek Latin critare, from quiritare cry, decry, descry
crypt-[31] hide, hidden Greek κρύπτειν (krúptein) "to hide", κρυπτός (kruptós) apocrypha, apocryphal, archaeocryptography, crypt, cryptanalysis, crypteia, cryptic, cryptobiosis, cryptobiotic, cryptochrome, cryptogam, cryptogenic, cryptography, cryptology, cryptomonad, cryptophyte, cryptosystem, grot, grotesque, grotto
cten-[32] comb Greek κτείς, κτενός (kteís, ktenós) ctenidium, ctenoid, ctenophore
cub-[33] cube Greek κύβος (kúbos) cubic, cuboctahedron, cuboid, hemicube, hypercube
cub- lie Latin cubare incubation, succuba
culin- kitchen Latin culīna culinarian, culinary, kiln
culp- blame, fault Latin culpa culpability, culpable, culprit, exculpate, exculpatory, inculpable, inculpate, inculpatory, mea culpa
cune- wedge Latin cuneus coign, coigne, coin, cuneate, cuneiform, cuneus, encoignure, obcuneate, precuneus, quoin, sconcheon, scuncheon
cur- care for Latin cūra, curare accuracy, accurate, assecure, assurance, assure, curability, curable, curacy, curate, curative, curator, cure, curettage, curette, curio, curiosity, curious, ensure, inaccuracy, inaccurate, incurable, insecure, insecurity, insurability, insurable, insurance, insure, manicure, pedicure, pococurante, proctor, proctour, proctorage, proctorial, procurable, procuracy, procuration, procurator, procure, procurement, proxy, reassurance, reassure, reinsurance, reinsure, scour, scourage, secure, security, sinecural, sinecure, sure, surety
curr-, curs- run, course Latin currere, cursus concur, concurrent, corridor, courier, course, currency, current, cursive, cursor, cursory, discourse, excursion, incur, occur, recur, recursion, recursive, succor
curv- bent Latin curvus "crooked, curved", from curvare "to bend" cavort, curb, curvaceous, curvate, curvation, curvature, curve, curviform, curvilinear, curvity, incurvate, incurvature, incurve, recurvate, recurve, recurvous
cuspid- lance, point Latin cuspis, cuspidis bicuspid, bicuspidate, cusp, quadricuspid, tricuspid
cut- hide, skin Latin cutis cutaneous, cuticle, cuticolor, cuticular, cutin, cutis, cutisector, intracutaneous, subcutaneous
cyan-[34] blue Greek κυανός (kuanós) anthocyanin, cyanic, cyanide, cyanogen, cyanophobia, cyanophore, cyanosis, cyanotic, isocyanic
cycl-[35] circle Greek κύκλος (kúklos), κυκλικός (kuklikós) acyclic, anticyclone, anticyclonic, bicycle, cycle, cyclic, cyclide, cycloid, cyclone, cyclops, cyclosis, cyclotomic, dicyclic, eccyclema, epicycle, epicycloid, hemicycle, hemicyclium, heterocyclic, homocyclic, hypercycle, hypocycloid, isocyclic, mesocyclone, monocyclic, polycyclic, pseudocyclosis, tetracyclic, tricycle, tricyclic, unicycle
cylind-[36] roll Greek κυλίνδειν (kulíndein), κύλινδρος (kúlindros) cylinder, cylindric, cylindroid, cylindroma, pseudocylindric
cyn-[37] dog Greek κύων, κυνός (kúōn, kunós) cynic, cynicism, cynodont, cynology, cynophagy, cynophilia, cynophobia, Cynosaurus, cynosure, eucynodont
cyst-[38] capsule Greek κύστις (kústis) cysteine, cystic, cysticercus, cystine, cystolith, cystoma, oocyst, polycystic
cyt-[39] cell Greek κύτος (kútos) astrocyte, cnidocyte, cytapheresis, cytaster, cytokine, cytokinesis, cytokinin, cytology, cytoplasm, cytostasis, cytostatic, exocytosis, gonocyte, hypercytosis, leukocyte, leukocytosis, monocyte, monocytopoiesis, pancytopenia, phagocytosis, polycythaemia, polycythemia, syncytium


  1. ^ κακός in Liddell and Scott
  2. ^ καλύπτω in Liddell and Scott
  3. ^ καπνός in Liddell and Scott
  4. ^ καρδία in Liddell and Scott
  5. ^ καρπός in Liddell and Scott
  6. ^ καρπός in Liddell and Scott
  7. ^ καθαρός in Liddell and Scott
  8. ^ καινός in Liddell and Scott
  9. ^ κοινός in Liddell and Scott
  10. ^ χαίτη in Liddell and Scott
  11. ^ χείρ in Liddell and Scott
  12. ^ χλωρός in Liddell and Scott
  13. ^ χορδή in Liddell and Scott
  14. ^ χρόνος in Liddell and Scott
  15. ^ χρυσός in Liddell and Scott
  16. ^ κιρρός in Liddell and Scott
  17. ^ κλάδος in Liddell and Scott
  18. ^ καλέω in Liddell and Scott
  19. ^ κόχλος in Liddell and Scott
  20. ^ cum. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
    "In compounds com- was unchanged before b, p, m, and in comes and its derivatives; m was usu. assimilated before r, sometimes before l, but was usu. dropped before n; before other consonants m became n, but conicio was written for coniicio. Before a vowel (or h) m was dropped."
  21. ^ κῶνος in Liddell and Scott
  22. ^ κόπρος in Liddell and Scott
  23. ^ κόραξ in Liddell and Scott
  24. ^ κόσμος in Liddell and Scott
  25. ^ κοτύλη in Liddell and Scott
  26. ^ κρανίον in Liddell and Scott
  27. ^ κρηπίς in Liddell and Scott
  28. ^ κρίκος in Liddell and Scott
  29. ^ κρίνω in Liddell and Scott
  30. ^ κροσσοί in Liddell and Scott
  31. ^ κρύπτω in Liddell and Scott
  32. ^ κτείς in Liddell and Scott
  33. ^ κύβος in Liddell and Scott
  34. ^ κυανός in Liddell and Scott
  35. ^ κύκλος in Liddell and Scott
  36. ^ κυλίνδω in Liddell and Scott
  37. ^ κύων in Liddell and Scott
  38. ^ κύστις in Liddell and Scott
  39. ^ κύτος in Liddell and Scott
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