The formation is described in Geologic Formations of Eastern Oregon (1972) as follows:
The unit is composed of up to 700 feet of fanglomerate and finer terrestrial sediments and a 40-foot thick ignimbrite unit which crops out in the middle of the section. The gravel is well rounded and consists of pebbles of basalt, chert, siltstone, diorite, rhyolite, and chert set in a medium-grained matrix of poorly indurated volcanic sandstone. The ignimbrite displays zonation typical of welded ashflow tuffs and is a prominent ridge former.[2]
In the lower fanglomerate member of the Rattlesnake Formation, remains of Pekania occulta were found.[7][8]
^Merriam, J. C., 1901. A contribution to the geology of the John Day Basin, Oregon: Univ. Calif., Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 2, p. 269-314
^Geologic Formations of Eastern Oregon (East of longitude 121°30'), 1972. John D. Beaulieu. Bulletin 73. Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries.
^Evernden, J. F., and James, G. T., 1964. Potassium-argon dates of the Tertiary floras of North America: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 262, p. 945-974.
^"Rattlesnake Formation". National Park Service. U. S. Department of the Interior. Retrieved 28 March 2021.
^"Rattlesnake". National Park Service. U. S. Department of the Interior. Retrieved 28 March 2021.