Autrice de nombreuses publications[4],[3],[5], elle est une spécialiste de la décolonisation, des mouvements politiques et des droits humains en Afrique, en particulier au Cameroun[1],[2].
Ouvrages personnels
(en) Cameroonian women, the act of petitioning, and the creation of a popular nationalism, 1949-1960, Madison, University of Wisconsin-Madison, coll. « African Studies Program », .
(en) The Fabrication of the Postcolonial State of Cameroon : Village Nationalism and the UPC's Fight for Nation, 1948-1971, Madison, University of Wisconsin-Madison, , 414 p. (lire en ligne).
(en) Petitioning for Our Rights, Fighting for Our Nation : The History of the Democratic Union of Cameroonian Women, 1949-1960, Bamenda, Langaa RPCIG, , 157 p. (ISBN9956-728-05-5, lire en ligne)[6],[7].
(en) Tricia Redeker Hepner, Benjamin N. Lawrance, Joanna T. Tague et Meredith Terretta (dir.), African Asylum at a Crossroads: Activism, Expert Testimony, and Refugee Rights, Athens, Ohio University Press, , 280 p. (ISBN978-0-8214-2138-3, DOI10.2307/j.ctt1rfsp0z, lire en ligne)[18],[19],[20].
(en) Meredith Terretta et Samuel Moyn (dir.), The Cambridge World History of Rights, vol. 5 : The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries. (présentation en ligne).
(en) Stéfanie Morris, Karina Juma, Meredith Terretta et Patti Tamara Lenard, Ordinary People, Extraordinary Actions: Refuge Through Activism at Ottawa’s St. Joe’s Parish, Ottawa, University of Ottawa Press, , 176 p. (lire en ligne).
↑Marie-Emmanuelle Pommerolle, « TERRETTA (Meredith), Petitioning for Our Rights, Fighting for Our Nation. The History of the Democratic Union of Cameroonian Women, 1949-1960, Bamenda, Langaa RPCIG, 2013, 157 pages », Politique africaine, vol. 131, no 3, , p. 236-251 (ISSN0244-7827 et 2264-5047, DOI10.3917/polaf.131.0236, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
↑Emmanuel Konde, « Petitioning for Our Rights, Fighting for Our Nation. The History of the Democratic Union of Cameroonian Women, 1949-1960 », Le Mouvement social, no 255, , p. 166–169 (ISSN0027-2671, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
↑(en) Sebastian Elischer, « Meredith Terretta, Nation of Outlaws, State of Violence: Nationalism, Grassfields Tradition, and State Building in Cameroon (2013) », Africa Spectrum, vol. 50, no 1, , p. 107–109 (ISSN1868-6869, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
↑(en) Jean-Pierre Warnier, « Nation of Outlaws, State of Violence: Nationalism, Grassfields Tradition, and State Building in Cameroon », African Studies Review, vol. 58, no 2, , p. 255–257 (ISSN0002-0206, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
↑(en) Eric Mokube, « Nation of Oulaws, State of Violence: Nationalism, Grassfields tradition, and State Building in Cameroon, Teretta, Meredith », Africa Today, vol. 61, no 2, , p. 124–126 (ISSN0001-9887, DOI10.2979/africatoday.61.2.124, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
↑(en) Jude Fokwang, « Nation of Outlaws, State of Violence: nationalism, Grassfields tradition, and state building in Cameroon », Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, vol. 85, no 4, , p. 733–735 (ISSN0001-9720, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
↑(en) Giacomo Macola, « Nation of Outlaws, State of Violence: Nationalism, Grassfields Tradition, and State Building in Cameroon. (New African Histories) », The American Historical Review, vol. 119, no 5, , p. 1828–1829 (ISSN0002-8762, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
↑(en) Andreas Eckert, « Decolonizing Cameroon », The Journal of African History, vol. 58, no 2, , p. 370–372 (ISSN0021-8537, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
↑(en) Philip Zachernuk, « Nation of Outlaws, State of Violence: Nationalism, Grassfields Tradition, and State Building in Cameroon by Meredith Terretta », Histoire sociale/Social history, vol. 49, no 98, , p. 228–230 (ISSN1918-6576, DOI10.1353/his.2016.0021, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
↑(en) Ralph A. Austen, « Nation of Outlaws, State of Violence: Nationalism, Grassfields Tradition, and State Building in Cameroon by Meredith Terretta », University of Toronto Quarterly, vol. 85, no 3, , p. 518–520 (ISSN0042-0247 et 1712-5278, DOI10.3138/utq.85.3.518, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
↑(en) Syprien Christian Zogo, « Nation of Outlaws, State of Violence: Nationalism, Grasslands Tradition, and State Building in Cameroon », African Studies Quarterly, vol. 16, no 2, , p. 139-140 (lire en ligne).
↑(en) Michael G. Panzer, « Terretta, Meredith. Nation of Outlaws, State of Violence: Nationalism, Grasslands Tradition, and State Building in Cameroon. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2014. 367pp. », Journal of Retracing Africa, vol. 2, no 1, , p. 117-119 (lire en ligne).
↑(en) James Milner, « African Asylum at a Crossroads: Activism, Expert Testimony, and Refugee Rights », The Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 54, no 4, , p. 734–736 (ISSN0022-278X, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
↑(en) Joris Schapendonk, « Two Ethnographies of South–North Migration », Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, vol. 86, no 3, , p. 595–597 (ISSN0001-9720, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
↑(en) Michael G. Panzer, « Iris Berger, Tricia Redeker Hepner, Benjamin N. Lawrance, Joanna T. Tague, and Meredith Terretta, eds. African Asylum at a Crossroads: Activism, Expert Testimony, and Refugee Rights. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2015. xiv + 272 pp. Contents. Forward. Preface and Acknowledgments. Afterword. Index. $45.00. Cloth. (ISBN978-0-8214-2138-3). », African Studies Review, vol. 61, no 3, , p. 229–232 (ISSN0002-0206 et 1555-2462, DOI10.1017/asr.2018.66, lire en ligne, consulté le ).