
This study determined the impacts of the implementation of characters-based collaborative learning model on the students’ attitudes and achievement in the course of machining process. This experimental study was conducted in the fitting and machining workshop at the Department of Mechanical Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. The population consisted of the students who were taking the course of Complex Machining Process totaling 85 students. The samples included 33 students who were determined by purposive sampling technique. The experiment was carried out by the posttest-only control design. The instrument validation was conducted by expert …

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen yang bertujuan meningkatkan prestasi belajar mahasiswa pada mata kuliah Matematika Lanjut. Penelitian ini juga akan mencoba menemukan salah satu model pembelajaran yang tepat dan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar mata kuliah Matematika Lanjut mahasiswa program non-reguler. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian eksperimen dengan subyek penelitian seluruh mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Otomotif Jenjang Diploma Tiga (D3) Program Non-Reguler yang menempuh mata kuliah Matematika Lanjut pada semester genap tahun akademik 2007/2008 berjumlah 72 orang terbagi menjadi dua kelas, yaitu kelas E sebagai kelas eksperimen dengan pembelajaran menggun…

The purpose of this study was to examine the significance of difference in achievement between the students taught using the Problem Based Learning with Gallery Project and the Expository Learning as well as those having an internal and external locus of control, along with its interaction. This quasi-experimental study involved 52 students, randomly sampled. The methods of data collection were observation, non-test, and test. The method of analysis was a two-way ANOVA. The result of this study indicated that: (1) there was a significant difference in achievement between students taught using the PBL with Gallery Project and those taught using the Expository Learning; (2) there was no signif…

Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) are required to face a fast-changing and unpredictable situation or condition in the future. This study describes the HOTS profile of Vocational High School (VHS) students in Surakarta and its correlation with the work readiness in the field of mechanical engineering. The students’ HOTS data were collected through the lathe technique examination, which has been tested empirically and validated by the subject matter. The result of the study showed that the HOTS profile of VHS students of mechanical engineering categorized as high, moderate and low were 36.81%, 18.68%, and 44.5% respectively. The higher thinking level of VHS students showed that stude…

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan isi/materi mata kuliah Teknologi Kendaraan Lanjut (TKL) di Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Otomotif Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. TKL merupakan salah satu mata kuliah yang dikembangkan oleh Jurdiknik Otomotif FT UNY untuk mewadahi perkembangan terkini teknologi otomotif yang akan mulai diberlakukan pada tahun ajaran 2009/2010.Permasalahan di atas dicari jawabannya dengan mengembangkan konsensus dari expert panel yaitu dosen dan praktisi bidang otomotif menggunakan metode Delphi. Metode Delphi adalah suatu metode yang digunakan untuk memperoleh pendapat dan konsensus dari sekelompok ahli (expert) secara sistematis melalui serangkai…

The problem primarily faced by vocational education institutions is a gap between skills taught at schools and skills required by the industries. This leads to the increasing unemployment rate of Vocational High School graduates. Thus relevant curriculum is required to satisfy the industry demands. This study aimed at analyzing the relevance of the productive course of hair beauty in Vocational High Schools to the job requirements in beauty salons in Padang. This study was qualitative descriptive. The data collection used interviews, observation and documentation. The data collection instruments consisted of observation sheets and interview guidelines. The data were analyzed using the stages…

Programming refers to a set of processes of writing, testing and correcting the program code aimed at creating a program that can do certain works in accordance with the programmer’s instructions, it requires the mastery of algorithms, logic and programming languages. This study discusses the concept of programming skills to develop problem solving skills, which focuses on secondary school students. Various activities allow students to collaborate and develop problem solutions. Some previous studies suggest that students can obtain knowledge and programming skills through formal and non-formal education even though formal education shows better results of students’ attainments.…

This study aims to describe the planning, implementation, implementation of learning, obstacles encountered, and efforts made to overcome obstacles in accordance with the Curriculum 2013, especially on learning to write biographical text in SMP Negeri 4 Karanganyar. The description of such planning, implementation, constraints and efforts to find out their compliance with the Curriculum 2013. This research is a descriptive qualitative research using case study approach with single strategy terpancang. The results of this study are: (1) Learning planning in the form of RPP in accordance with the Curriculum 2013, but there is discrepancy in the three RPP that is the time allocation in the core…
This is descriptive qualitative research using stylistic analysis to describe the existence of language style, diction, image, educational values of the character, and the relevance of the lyrics of Fourtwnty album Lelaku as a teaching material for Indonesian language learning at high school. Data collection techniques use content analysis and interviews. Validity test of data using medhod triangulation techniques and theory. The results of this study indicatethe language style dominated by sinpoke, repetition epizeuksis, and symbolic able to create aesthetic effects, typical, and affirmation; (2) diction is dominated by connotative and typical greetings and names that can create beauty and …
This research aims to explain: (1) preparation, implementation and assessment of learning, (2) problems encountered in the learning process, and (3) efforts made to overcome problems in the Indonesian Language learning process with Curriculum 2013 in the Class X in SMA N 1 Surakarta and Sekolah Indonesia Singapura.This research is a case study research. Samples in this research are the students of class X IPA III, and X IPA I SMA Negeri 1 Surakarta and students of class X IPA and X IPS Sekolah Indonesia Singapura.The sampling technique is purposive sampling.Technique of data collecting done by observation, interview, and document analysis.Data analysis technique is an interactive analysis mo…

This study aims to identify errors in the use of language in writing official letter to students SMAYPK Tabernakel Nabire, in the year 2017/2018. The research method used is qualitative research method with document analysis technique. The sample of the research is the writing of official letter of grade XII of SMA YPK Tabernakel Nabire. Sampling technique with purposive sampling technique. Source of data used in the form of the result of writing official letter of class XII students of YPK School Tabernakel Nabire. The result of this research is description about error of usage of Indonesian language in writing of official letter: mistake of language in writing of official letter there are …

This research is a correlation that aims to know (1) the correlation of vacabukary mastery with exposition text writing skills; (2) the correlation of reading habit with exposition text writing skills; (3) the correlation of vacabukary mastery and reading habit together with exposition text writing skills. The sample of this research are 128 students or 28% from 446 students, the total of population. The sampling technique that used is cluster random sampling. The data were collected using test method ang questionnaire. The rewuirements analysis that used is normality test. Meanwhile the data analysis that used are correlation (simple and double) and regression. The results of this study are…

This study aimed to describe and explain: (1) the aspects of diction used in the novel Ayah by Andrea Hirata; (2) the values of character education in the novel Ayah by Andrea Hirata; and (3) the relevance of Andrea Hirata’s novel Ayah as a teaching material of language and literature in Vocational High School. This study is a qualitative research that analyzes the data in the form of documents with the object of study of novel Ayah by Andrea Hirata. The results of this study are as follows. (1) The diction aspect contained in Andrea Hirata's father's novel includes five types of diction, (2) Novels contain sixteen points of character education values, (3) Novel Ayah is relevant to th…
This research is a case study research.. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. Source of data used in the form of events, informants, and documents. Data collection technique used are direction observation, interview, and document. The data validity test used is triangulation of source and triangulation method. Data analysis technique used is flow model. The result of this research is description of: (1) the characteristic Indonesian Papuan dialect are divided into linguistic and nonlinguistic elements. The linguistic elements include; (a) phoneme replacement; (b) diphthong replacement; (c) phoneme removal; (d) the use of intonation. Nonlinguistic elements are speech and paralinguist…

The aims of this research are to describe diction (word choise, figure of a speech, imagery of Dari Hari Ke Hari’s novel by Mahbub Djunaidi, and the relevance of the results of studies as Bahasa Indonesia teaching material for the Senior High School. This study is a qualitative descriptive with content analysis method. The result showed that. First, the use of diction (choice words) includes concrete words, connotative words, word greetings or self-names, vulgar words, words of absorption, regional vocabulary, and words with natural reality. Second, the use of language style (Figure of a speech) includes simile, metaphor, personification, depersonification, allegory, antithesis, pleon…
This study aims to (1) describe and explain the realization of the following Grice’s cooperative principles; (2) describe and explain the realization of the violatting Grice’s cooperative principles; and (3) explains the relevance of Grice's principles of cooperation as teaching materials for high school speaking skills. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. Sources of data was a transcripted document form. The technique for taking the subject was done by purposive sampling. Data analysis in this study was using the flow model. The results of the study are as follows. First, the maxim of ’quantity’ of the Grice’s cooperative principle of was …

The purpose of the research are kind of code-switching and code-mixing, the factor of the result from the code-switching and code-mixing; and the role of the code-switching and code-mixing in the Indonesian lerning of the seventh F class SMP N 2 Brangsong, Kendal regency. The research used descriptive qualitative method with case study approach.The research used purposive sampiling and snow ball sampling, then the technique of the collecting data by record, report, and interview. Validity test is triangulation theory.The result of the research are: the first, find out 12 code-switching in the javanese is four times and from Arab is 8 times; the second, find out the code-mixing consist of 44 …

Indonesia has experienced a significant improvement in its status of food security, yet it is not followed by improvement in nutritional security. Number of regions with food insecurity decreased significantly however problems of malnutrition among children such as stunting rate peaked for above 37% and obesity rate for just below 20%; known as double-burden malnutrition. This study aimed to examine factors affecting the nutritional security for households in Indonesia by incorporating food and non-food data. Cross sectional regression model is employed from SUSENAS 2013 in which households’ food security is proxy by calorie intakes as a function of households’ expenditures, mother’s a…

Indonesia sebagai negara dengan jumlah penduduk Muslim terbesar di dunia, ditambah dengan pertumbuhan permintaan produk halal yang menunjukkan tren positif, menjadikan Indonesia sebagai pasar yang potensial bagi produk kosmetik halal. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memahami perilaku pembelian kosmetik halal dan faktorfaktor yang mempengaruhi niat konsumen untuk membeli kosmetik berlabel halal. Penelitian yang bertumpu pada model Theory of Planned Behavior ini memilih sampel penelitian sebanyak 205 responden wanita yang mengetahui tentang kosmetik halal. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner lima poin skala Likert yang kemudian dianalisis dengan teknik statistik Structural E…

Editor: Mochammad NadjibPenerbit: LIPI pressTahun Terbit: 2013Jumlah halaman: xiv+193 halaman