Grant, Madison. "The vanishing moose, and their extermination in the Adirondacks," Century Magazine 47(1894): 345-356.
________. The caribou. Nova York, Office of the New York Zoological Society, 1902.
________. "Moose." Report of the Forest, Fish, Game Commission, State of New York (1903): 225-238.
________. The Rocky Mountain goat. Nova York, Office of the New York Zoological Society, 1905.
________. "Condition of wild life in Alaska", Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1909 (Washington, 1910): 521-529.
________. The passing of the great race; or, The racial basis of European history. Nova York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1916.
________. The passing of the great race, or, The racial basis of European history. Nova ed., rev. e ampliada, com prefácio de Henry Fairfield Osborn. Nova York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1918.
________. The passing of the great race, or, The racial basis of European history. ed. rev. com suplemento com prefácios de Henry Fairfield Osborn. Nova York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1921.
________. Der Untergang der grossen Rasse, die Rassen als Grundlage der Geschichte Europas. Tradução alemã de The passing of the Great Race por Rudolf Polland. Munique, J. F. Lehmann, 1925.
________, ed., com Charles Stewart Davidson. The founders of the republic on immigration, naturalization and aliens, collected for and edited by Madison Grant and Charles Stewart Davidson. Nova York, C. Scribner’s Sons, 1928.
________, ed., with Charles Stewart Davidson/ The alien in our midst; or, "Selling our birthright for a mess of pottage"; the written views of a number of Americans (present and former) on immigration and its results. Nova York, The Galton Publishing co., 1930.
________. The conquest of a continent; or, The expansion of races in America. Nova York, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1933.
Referências gerais
O Commons possui uma categoria com imagens e outros ficheiros sobre Madison Grant
Barkan, Elazar. The Retreat of Scientific Racism: Changing Concepts of Race in Britain and the United States between the World Wars. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Cooke, Kathy J. "Grant, Madison." American National Biography. Online, Fev. 2000.
Guterl, Matthew Press. The Color of Race in America, 1900-1940. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2001.
Spiro, Jonathan P. "Patrician racist: The evolution of Madison Grant." Ph.D. diss., Dept. of History, University of California, Berkeley (2000).
________. "Nordic vs. anti-Nordic: the Galton Society and the American Anthropological Association," Patterns of Prejudice 36:1 (2002): 35-48.