对希特勒的最终命运,苏联曾因政治目的给出过不同的答案。在1945年战后的一段时间内,苏联坚称希特勒没有死,而是潜逃到同盟国中的西方国家,被这些国家保护起来。[59]这一说法是苏联伪造的,借此在西方国家之间制造相互怀疑和猜忌,最初人们也接受了这一说法。纽伦堡审判美国律师团团长托马斯·J·多德(英语:Thomas J. Dodd)就曾表示;“没有人能说他(指希特勒)已经死了。”1945年8月,美国总统杜鲁门在参加波茨坦会议时向斯大林询问希特勒是否已经死亡,但是却直接回应杜鲁门称:“没有。”[56]当时的柏林英占区反间谍机构负责人迪克·怀特(英语:Dick White)(之后成为军情五处和军情六处负责人)派手下的特工休·特雷弗-罗珀调查了希特勒的最终下落。特雷弗-罗珀在1945年11月得出结论,推翻了苏联的说法,确认希特勒和爱娃已于4月30日死亡。他随后就此撰写了报告,并于1947年将相关的研究出版成《希特勒的最后几天》(The Last Days of Hitler)一书。[60][61]1969年,苏联记者列夫·贝兹曼斯基(Лев Безыменский / Lev Bezymensky)在自己的书中详细介绍了希特勒的死亡,并在西方国家出版。书中包含了施密尔舒的尸检报告,但因苏联之前一直试图掩盖真相,西方史学家一度认为其可信度不高。[62]
^ 1.01.1Fischer 2008,第47頁: "... Günsche stated he entered the study to inspect the bodies, and observed Hitler ... sat ... sunken over, with blood dripping out of his right temple. He had shot himself with his own pistol, a PPK 7.65."
^Kershaw 2008,第955頁: "... Blood dripped from a bullet hole in his right temple ..."
^ staff 2011: "...30 April ... During the afternoon Hitler shot himself..." "In the small hours of 28-29 April Hitler dictated his will, in the form of a political and personal testament, to Gertrud 'Traudl' Junge... Soon afterwards Hitler and his mistress Eva Braun were married."
^ 17.017.1Beevor 2002,第289頁: "Göring ... then drafted the text which was transmitted to Berlin that night. ... It cannot have been hard for Bormann to have roused Hitler's suspicions."
^Beevor 2002,第381頁: "Hamburg radio station warned the German people that a grave and important announcement was about to be made. Suitably funereal music from Wagner and Bruckner's Seventh Symphony was played ... Grand Admiral Dönitz ... stated that Hitler had fallen, ... and announced his succession."
^ 43.043.1Erwin Wickert, German Embassy during the War: Testimony of a Diplomat in Japan, Translated by Machiko Sato, Chuokoron-sha, February 1998.ISBN 4120027457 .
^“ Hitler's death --later Russian disclosures ”. Archived from the original on January 4, 2013 . Retrieved March 9, 2019
^Beevor 2002,第380, 381頁: "Madga Goebbels ... opened the mouths of the sleeping children, put an ampoule of poison between their teeth and forced their jaws together. ... Joseph and Magda Goebbels ... crunched on glass cyanide ampoules and either they shot themselves with the pistols at the same moment ... or else Schwaegermann shot both of them ..."
^Joachimsthaler 1999,第225頁: "... the only thing to remain of Hitler was a gold bridge with porcelain facets from his upper jaw and the lower jawbone with some teeth and two bridges."
^ 59.059.1Eberle & Uhl 2005,第288頁: "... New versions of Hitler's fate were presented by the Soviet Union according to the political needs of the moment ..."
^MI5 staff 2011: "...30 April ... During the afternoon Hitler shot himself..." "In the small hours of 28-29 April Hitler dictated his will, in the form of a political and personal testament, to Gertrud 'Traudl' Junge... Soon afterwards Hitler and his mistress Eva Braun were married."
^Erickson 1983,第606頁: "... both committing suicide by biting their cyanide ampoules."
^ 64.064.1O'Donnell 2001,第322–323頁: "... we have a fair answer ... to the version of ... Russian author Lev Bezymenski ... Hitler did shoot himself and did bite into the cyanide capsule, just as Professor Haase had clearly and repeatedly instructed ... "
^Kershaw 2001,第1037頁: "The intentionally misleading account of Hitler's death by cyanide poisoning put about by Soviet historians ... can be dismissed."
^Fest 1974,第749頁: "... most Soviet accounts have held that Hitler also [Hitler and Eva Braun] ended his life by poison ... there are contradictions in the Soviet story ... these contradictions tend to indicate that the Soviet version of Hitler's suicide has a political colouration."
^Joachimsthaler 1999,第157頁: "Axmann elaborated on his testimony when questioned about his "assumption" that Hitler had shot himself through the mouth."
^Joachimsthaler 1999,第166頁: "... the version involving a 'shot in the mouth' with secondary injuries to the temples must be rejected ... the majority of witnesses saw an entry wound in the temple... according to all witnesses there was no injury to the back of the head."
^ 70.070.1Beevor 2002,第431頁: "In 1970 the Kremlin finally disposed of the body in absolute secrecy ... body ... was exhumed and burned." "Hitler's jaws ... had been retained by SMERSH, while the NKVD kept the cranium. These remnants were recently rediscovered in the former Soviet archives. The rest of the body ... was exhumed ... and burned. The ashes were flushed into the town [Magdeberg] sewage system."
Dolezal, Robert. Truth about History: How New Evidence Is Transforming the Story of the Past. Pleasantville, NY: Readers Digest. 2004: 185–6. ISBN 0-7621-0523-2.