心理藥物學(英文:Psychopharmacology )是指以科學方法研究預備、使用心理疾病藥物及這些藥物的效用。心理疾病相關藥物稱為psychotropic medications(psycho:心理的;tropic:作用於)。 主要概念[1]基本概念
已隱藏部分未翻譯内容,歡迎參與翻譯。 The other central method through which drugs act is by affecting communications between cells through hormones. Neurotransmitters can usually only travel a microscopic distance before reaching their target at the other side of the synaptic cleft, while hormones can travel long distances before reaching target cells anywhere in the body. Thus, the endocrine system is a critical focus of psychopharmacology because 1) drugs can alter the secretion of many hormones; 2) hormones may alter the behavioral responses to drugs; 3) hormones themselves sometimes have psychoactive properties; and 4) the secretion of some hormones, especially those dependent on the pituitary gland, is controlled by neurotransmitter systems in the brain. 常見心理藥物相關期刊