Arguing that universal public education was the best way to turn unruly American children into disciplined, judicious republican citizens, Mann won widespread approval from modernizers, especially in the Whig Party, for building public schools. Most U.S. states adopted a version of the system Mann established in Massachusetts, especially the program for normal schools to train professional teachers.[2] Educational historians credit Horace Mann, along with Henry Barnard and Catharine Beecher, as one of the major advocates of the Common School Movement.[3]
From age ten to age twenty, he had no more than six weeks' schooling during any year,[6] but he made use of the Franklin Public Library, the first public library in America. He enrolled at Brown University when he was twenty years old and graduated in three years[7] as valedictorian (1819). The theme of his oration was "The Progressive Character of the Human Race."[6] He learned Greek and Latin from Samuel Barrett,[8] who later became a famous Unitarian minister.[9]
Mann defended James Allen in a robbery trial by placing a reasonable doubt in the minds of the jury by pointing out that the victim had previously identified someone else as the man who robbed him.[12][13] The strategy worked, and there was a hung jury.[12]
Massachusetts legislature
Mann was elected to the Massachusetts legislature in 1827, and in that role was active in the interests of education, public charities, and laws for the suppression of alcoholic drinks and lotteries. He established an asylum in Worcester, and in 1833 was chairman of its board of trustees. Mann continued to be returned to the legislature as a representative from Dedham until his removal to Boston in 1833. While in the legislature, he was a member and part of the time chairman of the committee for the revision of the state statutes, and a large number of salutary provisions were incorporated into the code at his suggestion. After their enactment, he was appointed one of the editors of the work and prepared its marginal notes and its references to judicial decisions. He was elected to the Massachusetts State Senate from Boston in 1835 and was its president in 1836–1837. As a member of the Senate, he spent time as the majority leader, and aimed his focus at infrastructure, funding the construction of railroads and canals.[4][14]
Personal life
In 1830, Mann married Charlotte Messer, the daughter of former Brown University president Asa Messer. She died two years later on August 1, 1832; he never fully recovered from the intense grief and shock that accompanied her death.[15]
It was not until he was appointed Secretary in 1837 of the newly created Massachusetts Board of Education that he began the work which was to make him one of America's most influential educational reformers.[10] Upon starting his duties, he withdrew from all other professional or business engagements as well as politics.
As Secretary of Education, Mann held teachers' conventions, delivered numerous lectures and addresses, carried on an extensive correspondence, and introduced numerous reforms. Mann persuaded his fellow modernizers, especially those in the Whig Party, to legislate tax-supported elementary public education in their states and to feminize the teaching force. To justify the new taxes Mann assured businessmen that more education in the work force made for a richer and more profitable economy.[18]
Most northern states adopted one version or another of the system he established in Massachusetts, especially the program for "normal schools" to train professional teachers.[2]
Mann traveled to every School in the state so he could physically examine each school ground.[citation needed] He planned and inaugurated the Massachusetts normal school system in Lexington (which shortly thereafter moved to Framingham), Barre (which shortly thereafter moved to Westfield) and Bridgewater, and began preparing a series of annual reports, which had a wide circulation and were considered as being "among the best expositions, if, indeed, they are not the very best ones, of the practical benefits of a common school education both to the individual and to the state".[19] By his advocacy of the disuse of corporal punishment in school discipline, he was involved in a controversy with some of the Boston teachers that resulted in the adoption of his views.[20]
In 1838, he founded and edited The Common School Journal. In this journal, Mann targeted the public school and its problems. His six main principles were:
the public should no longer remain ignorant;
that such education should be paid for, controlled, and sustained by an interested public;
that this education will be best provided in schools that embrace children from a variety of backgrounds;
that this education must be taught using the tenets of a free society; and
that education should be provided by well-trained, professional teachers.
Under the auspices of the board, but at his own expense, he went to Europe in 1843 to visit schools, especially in Prussia, and his seventh annual report, published after his return, embodied the results of his tour. Many editions of this report were printed, not only in Massachusetts but in other states, in some cases by private individuals and in others by legislatures; several editions were issued in England.
Mann hoped that by bringing all children of all classes together, they could have a common learning experience. This would also allow the less fortunate to advance in the social scale and education would "equalize the conditions of men." Moreover, it was viewed also as a road to social advancement by the early labor movement and as a goal of having common schools. Mann also suggested that having schools would help those students who did not have appropriate discipline in the home. Building a person's character was just as important as reading, writing, and arithmetic. Instilling values such as obedience to authority, promptness in attendance, and organizing the time according to bell ringing helped students prepare for future employment.
Mann faced some resistance from parents who did not want to give up the moral education to teachers and bureaucrats. The normal schools trained mostly women, giving them new career opportunities as teachers.[21] Mann believed that women were better suited for teaching, regardless of their status as a mother, and used his position to push for a feminization of the profession.[22]
The practical result of Mann's work was a revolution in the approach used in the common school system of Massachusetts, which in turn influenced the direction of other states. In carrying out his work, Mann met with bitter opposition by some Boston schoolmasters who strongly disapproved of his innovative pedagogical ideas,[23] and by various religious sectarians, who contended against the exclusion of all sectarian instruction from the schools.[10]
Secular nature
As the Old Deluder Satan Act and other 17th-century Massachusetts School Laws attest, early education in Massachusetts had a clear religious intent. However, by the time of Mann's leadership in education, various developments (including a vibrant populist Protestant faith and increased religious diversity) fostered a secular school system with a religiously passive stance.[24]
While Mann affirmed that "our Public Schools are not Theological Seminaries" and that they were "debarred by law from inculcating the peculiar and distinctive doctrines of any one religious denomination amongst us ... or all that is essential to religion or salvation," he assured those who objected to this secular nature that "our system earnestly inculcates all Christian morals; it founds its morals based on religion; it welcomes the religion of the Bible; and, in receiving the Bible, it allows it to do what it is allowed to do in no other system—to speak for itself. But here it stops, not because it claims to have compassed all truth; but because it disclaims to act as an umpire between hostile religious opinions."
Mann stated that this position resulted in a near-universal use of the Bible in the schools of Massachusetts and that this served as an argument against the assertion by some that Christianity was excluded from his schools, or that they were anti-Christian.[25] A devotee of the pseudoscience of phrenology, Mann believed education could eliminate or reduce human failings and compensate for any biological flaws.[26]
Mann also once stated that "it may not be easy theoretically, to draw the line between those views of religious truth and of Christian faith which is common to all, and may, therefore, with propriety be inculcated in schools, and those which, being peculiar to individual sects, are therefore by law excluded; still it is believed that no practical difficulty occurs in the conduct of our schools in this regard."
Rather than sanctioning a particular church as was often the norm in many states, the Legislature proscribed books "calculated to favor the tenets of any particular set of Christians."[27]
Reading instruction
Like many nineteenth century reformers, Horace Mann believed that "children would find it far more interesting and pleasurable to memorize words and read short sentences and stories without having to bother to learn the names of the letters".[28] According to Diane Ravitch, he condemned the alphabet method, claiming that it was "repulsive and soul-deadening to children".[28] He described the letters of the alphabet as "skeleton-shaped, bloodless, ghostly apparitions".[28] To him, teaching the alphabet was entirely illogical: "When we wish to give a child the idea of a new animal, we do not present successively the different parts of it,—an eye, an ear, the nose, the mouth, the body, or a leg: but we present a whole animal, as one object".[29]
Mann believed that "children's earliest books should teach whole words, skipping the alphabet and the sounds of the letters",[28] though he may have been confused between "the alphabet method of learning letters through words and a word method, now called the look-and-say method, or learning to read through saying the word as a whole".[30]
Mann's endorsement of "word method" for reading instruction made a lasting impression on other reformers of the period, and "by 1890 the alphabet method had virtually died out".[28]Francis Parker and John Dewey used the "word method" as one of the features of the "Progressive" system of education. As Nancy Millichap notes, "Despite the enthusiasm of educators for their new methods of teaching, the illiteracy rate remained high. Among American soldiers enlisted in World War I, 24.9 percent proved unable to read or write, and during World War II approximately the same percentage of British servicemen [who were taught using the same method] were found to be similarly handicapped. In 1940, one-third of high school students were incapable of mastering reading and writing well enough to profit from textbook instruction, and one half of the adult population in the United States was functionally illiterate".[30]
The backlash against "word method" culminated in a 1955 book Why Johnny Can't Read by Rudolf Flesch, in which he condemned this method for "treating children as if they were dogs" and recommended returning to teaching phonics. Nevertheless, the "ill-informed, ineffective reading instruction" remains the norm in American colleges of education and, accordingly, in American elementary schools.[31]
Upon becoming the secretary of education of Massachusetts in 1837, Mann worked to create a statewide system of professional teachers, based on the Prussian model of "common schools." Prussia was attempting to develop a system of education by which all students were entitled to the same content in their public classes. Mann initially focused on elementary education and on training teachers. The common-school movement quickly gained strength across the North. Connecticut adopted a similar system in 1849, and Massachusetts passed a compulsory attendance law in 1852.[32][33] Mann's crusading style attracted wide middle-class support. Historian Ellwood P. Cubberley asserts:
No one did more than he to establish in the minds of the American people the conception that education should be universal, non-sectarian, free, and that its aims should be social efficiency, civic virtue, and character, rather than mere learning or the advancement of sectarian ends.[34]
An important technique which Mann had learned in Prussia and introduced in Massachusetts in 1848 was to place students in grades by age. They were assigned by age to different grades and progressed through them, regardless of differences of aptitude. In addition, he used the lecture method common in European universities, which required students to receive professional instruction rather than teach one another. Previously, schools had often had groups of students who ranged in age from 6 to 14 years. With the introduction of age grading, multi-aged classrooms all but disappeared.[35] Some students progressed with their grade and completed all courses the secondary school had to offer. These were "graduated," and were awarded a certificate of completion. This was increasingly done at a ceremony imitating college graduation rituals.
Arguing that universal public education was the best way to turn the nation's unruly children into disciplined, judicious republican citizens, Mann won widespread approval for building public schools from modernizers, especially among fellow Whigs. Most states adopted one version or another of the system he established in Massachusetts, especially the program for "normal schools" to train professional teachers.[36] This quickly developed into a widespread form of school which later became known as the factory model school.
A Whig in Congress
In the spring of 1848 he was elected to the United States Congress as a Whig to fill the vacancy caused by the death of John Quincy Adams. His first speech in that role was in advocacy of its right and duty to exclude slavery from the territories, and in a letter, in December of that year, he said: "I think the country is to experience serious times. Interference with slavery will excite civil commotion in the South. But it is best to interfere. Now is the time to see whether the Union is a rope of sand or a band of steel."[37] Again he said: "I really think if we insist upon passing the Wilmot proviso for the territories that the south—a part of them—will rebel; but I would pass it, rebellion or not. I consider no evil so great as the extension of slavery."[38]
During the first session, he volunteered as counsel for Drayton and Sayres, who were indicted for stealing 76 slaves in the District of Columbia, and at the trial was engaged for 21 successive days in their defense. In 1850, he was engaged in a controversy with Daniel Webster concerning the extension of slavery and the Fugitive Slave Law, calling Webster's support for the Compromise of 1850 a "vile catastrophe", and comparing him to "Lucifer descending from Heaven".[39][40] Mann was defeated by a single vote at the ensuing nominating convention by Webster's supporters; but, on appealing to the people as an independent anti-slavery candidate, he was re-elected, serving from April 1848 until March 1853.
Mann was a staunch opponent of slavery as a member of Congress; in a written address to an 1852 "Convention of the Colored Freemen of Ohio" he stated:
"[t]hat slavery is to continue always, it would be the grossest atheism to affirm. A belief in the existence of a just Governor of the Universe, includes a belief in the final and utter abolition of slavery."
In the same address he opposed plans to forcibly deport freedmen from the United States to other nations:
"The idea of forcibly expelling the American born negro from the place of his birth and residence, and driving him out of the country against his will, is as abhorrent to my notions of justice and equality, as it can be to those of anyone. The next most cruel thing to kidnapping a race of men, forcing them from their home and dooming them to slavery in a foreign land, would be the seizure of the descendants of that race, and driving them from the new home they had acquired. So great a crime as this second expatriation would be, could hardly be conceived unless by a mind that had prepared itself for it by participating in the commission of the first."
Mann considered there to be three legitimate methods by which the Africans in captivity in the US could emancipate themselves, including, as a last resort, that
"such as our revolutionary fathers adopted against Great Britain [...] not only with the justification but with the approval of the civilized world. For this there are two conditions: a sufficient degree of oppression to authorize an appeal to force, and a chance, on the part of the oppressed, of bettering their condition. The measure of the first condition is already full - heaped up - running over. The second condition will be fulfilled, either when the slaves believe they can obtain their freedom by force, or when they are so elevated and enlarged in their moral conceptions as to appreciate that glorious supplication of Patrick Henry, 'Give me liberty or give me death!'"
Mann's preferred method for the self-emancipation of the slaves was that free blacks should voluntarily form all-black communities of their own - either in Jamaica or in another Caribbean nation - or perhaps in the American West - in which men like Frederick Douglass, Henry Bibb and Henry Box Brown "instead of making speeches might be making laws. Instead of commanding the types of a newspaper press [...] might be commanding armies and navies" and could more effectively organize the liberation of their enslaved brethren in the U.S. from these strongholds.[41]
Leadership of Antioch College and last years
In September 1852, he was nominated for governor of Massachusetts by the Free Soil Party, and the same day was chosen president of the newly established Antioch College at Yellow Springs, Ohio. Failing in the election for governor, he accepted the presidency of the college, which he continued until his death. There he taught economics, philosophy, and theology; he was popular with students and with lay audiences across the Midwest who attended his lectures promoting public schools. Mann also employed the first female faculty member to be paid on an equal basis with her male colleagues, Rebecca Pennell, his niece. His commencement message to the class of 1859 was to "Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity".[42]
Antioch College was founded by the Christian Connexion, which later withdrew its financial support causing the college to struggle for many years with meager financial resources due to sectarian infighting. Mann himself was charged with nonadherence to sectarianism because, previously a Congregationalist by upbringing, he joined the Unitarian Church.
Mann was also drawn to Antioch because it was a coeducational institution, among the first in the country to teach men and women in the same classes, Mann and his wife had conflicts with female students, however, who came to Yellow Springs in search of greater equality. The young women chafed at restrictions on their behavior, and wanted to meet with men in literary societies, which Mann and his wife opposed.[43]
He collapsed shortly after the 1859 commencement and died that summer of typhoid fever. Antioch historian Robert Straker wrote that Mann had been "crucified by crusading sectarians." Ralph Waldo Emerson lamented "what seems the fatal waste of labor and life at Antioch." Mann's wife, who wrote in anguish that "the blood of martyrdom waters the spot," later disinterred his body from Yellow Springs.[44] He is buried in the North Burial Ground in Providence, Rhode Island,[45] next to his first wife.
Historians treat Mann as one of the most important leaders of education reform in the antebellum period.[2][46][47][48]
Many places around the world are named after Mann. Among them are more than 50 public schools in the United States.[49]
At Antioch College, a monument carries his quote, which has been recently adopted as the college motto: "Be Ashamed to Die Until You Have Won Some Victory for Humanity."
^ abcGroen, Mark (Spring–Summer 2008). "The Whig Party and the Rise of Common Schools, 1837–1854". American Educational History Journal. 35 (1/2): 251–260.
^Good, Thomas L. (2008). 21st century education: a reference handbook. p. 267.
^Yale University (1921). Obiturary Record of Graduates. Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Company. p. 579. Archived from the original on February 16, 2023. Retrieved April 25, 2021.
^Eisenmann, Linda (1988). Historical dictionary of women's education in the United States. p. 259.
^S., Sugg, Redding (1978). Motherteacher : the feminization of American education. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia. ISBN0813907578. OCLC3708082.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
^Glenn, Myra (1984). Campaigns Against Corporal Punishment. SUNY Press. pp. 104–6. ISBN0-87395-813-6.
^Dana., Goldstein (2015). The teacher wars: a history of America's most embattled profession (First Anchor books ed.). New York. ISBN9780345803627. OCLC895117195.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
^Massachusetts Board of Education (1838) [Covering the year 1837]. Annual Report of the Board of Education. pp. 14, 15. Archived from the original on February 16, 2023. Retrieved November 12, 2020.
^ abcdeRavitch, Diane (2000). "Chapter 9: The great meltdown". Left back: a century of failed school reforms. Simon & Schuster. pp. 356–357. ISBN0-684-84417-6.
^Mathews, Mitford (1966). "From a lecture delivered by Mann in 1841". Teaching to Read, Historically Considered. The University of Chicago Press. pp. 76–81. ASINB000Z58E5S.
^Peterson, Paul E. (2010). Saving Schools: From Horace Mann to Virtual Learning. pp. 21–36.
^Messerli, Jonathan (1972). Horace Mann: A Biography.
^Cubberley, Ellwood P. (1919). Public Education in the United States. p. 167.
^See in Hunt, Thomas C., ed. (2010). "Age Grading". Encyclopedia of Educational Reform and Dissent. Vol. 2. p. 33. ISBN9781412956642.
^Groen, Mark (2008). "The Whig Party and the Rise of Common Schools, 1837–1854". American Educational History Journal. 35 (1/2): 251–260.
^Mann, Horace (1848). Speech of Horace Mann, on the right of Congress to legislate for the territories of the United States, and its duty to exclude slavery therefrom. Boston: William B. Fowle.
^James Ford Rhodes, History of the United States from the Compromise of 1850 to the Mckinley-Bryan Campaign of 1896 (1892) vol 1, Page 132. online
^Mann, Horace (December 31, 1851). "Letter, Horace Mann to 1852 Convention of the Colored Freemen of Ohio". Special Collections and University Archives, University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries: W.E.B. Du Bois Papers. David Graham Du Bois Trust. pp. 19–23. Archived from the original on January 30, 2022. Retrieved January 30, 2022. However disastrous may be the result of the first, or the tenth, or the hundredth struggle on the part of the slave; however many of the colored Hancocks and Adams' of that revolution may be singled out for vengeance and placed beyond the reach of pardon [...] each death will be transfigured into a multitude of more glorious lives, and for every drop of heroic blood which the earth shall drink, it will send back an armed man.
^Finkelstein, Barbara (Winter 1990). "Perfecting Childhood: Horace Mann and the Origins of Public Education in the United States". Biography. 13 (1): 6–20. doi:10.1353/bio.2010.0400. S2CID144976387.
^Hunt, Thomas C. (2005). Moral Education in America's Schools. pp. 31–48.
^Downs, R. B. (1974). Horace Mann: Champion of the Public Schools.
Parr, James L. (2009). Dedham: Historic and Heroic Tales From Shiretown. The History Press. ISBN978-1-59629-750-0.
Further reading
Cremin, Lawrence A. American Education: The National Experience (1982).
Curti, Merle. The Social Ideas of American Educators (1935) pp. 101–38 online
Downs, Robert B. Horace Mann: Champion of the Public Schools (1974) online
Finkelstein, Barbara. "Perfecting Childhood: Horace Mann and the Origins of Public Education in the United States," Biography, Winter 1990, Vol. 13#1 pp. 6–20
Hinsdale, Burke A. Horace Mann and the Common School Revival in the United States (New York, 1898), in the Great Educators series online
Kalvin, Louis. "The Educational Philosophy of Horace Mann" (PhD dissertation, New York University; ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1936 7303222).
Kendall, Kathleen Edgerton. "Education as 'The Balance Wheel of Social Machinery': Horace Mann's Arguments and Proofs," Quarterly Journal of Speech (1968) 54#1 pp. 13–21.
Messerli, Jonathan. Horace Mann; a biography (1972) online, a standard scholarly biography
Messerli, Jonathan. "The Early Education of Horace Mann: Home, Meeting House, and Village" Historian (1967) 29#3.
Murphy, Garry Paul. "Professional development of Massachusetts school teachers: An examination of the Horace Mann Teacher Program" (PhD dissertation, Boston College; ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1990. 9101677).
Peterson, Paul E. Saving schools: From Horace Mann to Virtual Learning (Harvard University Press, 2010)
Stornello, Joe Allen. "Horace Mann and twentieth-century educational historians: Problems of ideology and knowledge in historical texts" (PhD dissertation, University of Missouri - Kansas City; ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1998. 9900319).
Taylor, Bob Pepperman. Horace Mann's Troubling Legacy: The Education of Democratic Citizens (University Press of Kansas, 2010).
Vinovskis, Maris A. "Horace Mann on the Economic Productivity of Education," New England Quarterly (1970) 43#4 pp. 550–571. online
Whiting, George C. "Horace Mann: A comparison of a traditional and a revisionist biography" (PhD dissertation, The College of William and Mary; ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1989. 8923063).
Woodworth, Jed. "Horace Mann and the Revolution in American Childhood" (PhD dissertation, University of Wisconsin - Madison; ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2016. 10190139).
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Lambang Kepresidenan Guatemala Jabatan Presiden Guatemala adalah jabatan yang lazim digunakan oleh para pemimpin Guatemala sejak 1851, ketika jabatan tersebut digunakan oleh Mariano Rivera Paz. Sebelumnya, Guatemala berbentuk negara di Provinsi Amerika Serikat Tengah sejak 1823. Sebelum itu, Guatemala menjadi bagian dari Kekaisaran Meksiko Pertama di bawah kekuasaan Agustín de Iturbide. Sebelum tahun 1821 diperintah oleh oleh Kapten Jenderal di Guatemala, sebuah kesetiaan resmi Spanyol karena k…
Prohibiting criminals from voting in elections in the United States In the United States, a person may have their voting rights suspended or withdrawn due to the conviction of a criminal offense. The actual class of crimes that results in disenfranchisement vary between jurisdictions, but most commonly classed as felonies, or may be based on a certain period of incarceration or other penalty. In some jurisdictions disfranchisement is permanent, while in others suffrage is restored after a person…
Quartiere MirabelloLocalizzazioneStato Italia RegioneLombardia LocalitàMilano Coordinate45°29′46.14″N 9°12′01.12″E45°29′46.14″N, 9°12′01.12″E Informazioni generaliCondizioniin uso Costruzione1939 Stilerazionalista Usoappartamenti RealizzazioneArchitettoGaetano Angilella Modifica dati su Wikidata · Manuale Il quartiere Mirabello, già quartiere Rodolfo Carabelli, è un complesso di edilizia residenziale pubblica di Milano. Occupa l'isolato posto fra le vie Vassallo…
This article is about fascism in Europe up to World War II. For fascism in Europe after World War II, see Neo-fascism. Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, Fascist Leaders of the Third Reich, and the Kingdom of Italy, 1937 Part of a series onFascism Principles Actual idealism Aestheticization of politics Anti-communism Anti-intellectualism Anti-materialism Anti-pacifism Authoritarianism Chauvinism Class collaboration Conspiracism Corporatism Cult of personality Dictatorship Direct action Dirigisme…
GaionefrazioneGaione – VedutaPieve dei Santi Ippolito e Cassiano LocalizzazioneStato Italia Regione Emilia-Romagna Provincia Parma Comune Parma TerritorioCoordinate44°45′36.1″N 10°17′17.9″E44°45′36.1″N, 10°17′17.9″E (Gaione) Altitudine91 m s.l.m. Abitanti979[2] Altre informazioniCod. postale43124 Prefisso0521 Fuso orarioUTC+1 Cod. catastaleL870 Patronosant'Ilario e santi Ippolito e Cassiano Giorno festivo13 gennaio e ultima domenica di …
1992 film by Neil Jordan For other uses, see The Crying Game (disambiguation). The Crying GameUK quad posterDirected byNeil JordanWritten byNeil JordanProduced by Stephen Woolley Nik Powell Starring Stephen Rea Miranda Richardson Jaye Davidson Forest Whitaker CinematographyIan WilsonEdited byKant PanMusic byAnne DudleyProductioncompaniesPalace PicturesChannel Four FilmsBritish ScreenNippon Film DevelopmentDistributed byPalace PicturesRelease dates 2 September 1992 (1992-09-02) …