नृप अभिमान मोह बस किंबा।
हरि आनिहु सीता जगदंबा॥
अब सुभ कहा सुनहु तुम्ह मोरा।
सब अपराध छमिहि प्रभु तोरा॥
सादर जनकसुता करि आगें।
एहि बिधि चलहु सकल भय त्यागें॥
This translates to:
"O King of Lanka, either out of pride or lust you had kidnapped Jagdamba (mother of the world) Sita, wife of Hari (Rama). The best course now would be to proceed with Shri Sita to restore her to Shri Rama without any apprehension".[4][5]