彼得·安德森(Peter Anderson)等研究人員所做的縱向研究,結論是:“酒類的廣告和促銷會增加青少年開始飲酒的可能性,如果他們已有飲酒習慣,則會喝得更多。”[19]伊麗莎白 D. 維特斯(Elizabeth D. Waiters)等研究人員在與9-15歲青少年中抽樣者討論後的結論,也支持這一說法。這些研究人員發現年輕人對於啤酒廣告目的,看法是它促使人們不僅只看產品品質,而且還包括“產品與性吸引力有關聯”,因而會去購買。他們看到“有吸引力的年輕人喝啤酒,以展現個人價值”和“搭配青年品味的音樂”,而受到影響去喝酒。[20]
根據哈佛大學2001年大學酒精研究 (Harvard School of Public Health College Alcohol Study, 2001(CAS)),持續的酒類促銷和廣告,包括降低在大學校園內某些酒類的價格,會把大學社區的酒精消費百分比增高。大學校園酒精飲料廣告(英语:Alcohol advertising on college campuses)也會增加學生的暴飲情況。有研究而得的結論是對這些促銷、降價、和廣告給予管制,有助於減少校園內的暴飲和其他相關飲酒問題。 [23]
歐盟內的跨境電視廣告以前受”1989年電視無國界指令”監管(1989 Television without Frontiers Directive),這是一項法律協調措施(英语:harmonisation of law),以移除國際貿易壁壘而達成共同市場的目的。[34]這項指令的第15條對酒類廣告的限制為:
此外,NASCAR盃要求21歲以下的車手不得在他們駕駛的汽車上貼有任何酒精飲料標籤。如果駕駛員未達到飲酒年齡,則會在此類駕駛員的汽車上貼上專門的“Coors Pole Award - 21 Means 21”(參見頭位)貼紙。參與比賽名為 Petty Enterprises(英语:Petty Enterprises) 的團隊拒絕參與酒類廣告活動,並放棄所有酒類商家提供的款項和獎金。
^ 4.04.1Snyder, Leslie B.; Milici, Frances Fleming; Slater, Michael; Sun, Helen; Strizhakova, Yuliya. Effects of Alcohol Advertising Exposure on Drinking Among Youth. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. 2006, 160 (1): 18–24. ISSN 1072-4710. PMID 16389206. doi:10.1001/archpedi.160.1.18(英语).
^Anderson, P.; Bruijn, A. de; Angus, K.; Gordon, R.; Hastings, G. Impact of Alcohol Advertising and Media Exposure on Adolescent Alcohol Use: A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Studies. Alcohol and Alcoholism. 2009, 44 (3): 229–243. ISSN 0735-0414. PMID 19144976. doi:10.1093/alcalc/agn115(英语).
^J.P. Nelson, "What is Learned from Longitudinal Studies of Advertising and Youth Drinking and Smoking?" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 7(3), March 2010, pp. 870–926.
^Frankena, M., Cohen, M., Daniel, T., Ehrlich, L., Greenspun, N., and Kelman, D. Alcohol Advertising, Consumption and Abuse. In: Federal Trade Commission. Recommendations of the Staff of the Federal Trade Commission: Omnibus Petition for Regulation of Unfair and Deceptive Alcoholic Beverage Marketing Practices, Docket No. 209-46. Washington, DC: Federal Trade Commission, 1985.
^Sanders, James. Alcohol Advertisements Do Not Encourage Alcohol Abuse Among Teens. In: Wekesser, Carol (ed.) Alcoholism. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1994. Pp. 132–135, p. 133.
^Anderson, Peter; Bruijn, Avalon de; Angus, Kathryn; Gordon, Ross; Hastings, Gerard. Impact of Alcohol Advertising and Media Exposure on Adolescent Alcohol Use: A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Studies. Alcohol and Alcoholism. 1 May 2009, 44 (3): 229–243. ISSN 0735-0414. PMID 19144976. doi:10.1093/alcalc/agn115(英语).
^Waiters, Elizabeth D.; Treno, Andrew J.; Grube, Joel W. Alcohol Advertising and Youth: A Focus-Group Analysis of What Young People Find Appealing in Alcohol Advertising. Contemporary Drug Problems. 1 December 2001, 28 (4): 695–718. ISSN 0091-4509. S2CID 143202890. doi:10.1177/009145090102800409(英语).
^United States: Reaching the Consumers. AttijariTrade. [20 November 2021]. (原始内容存档于2022-01-23). Main Principles of Advertising Regulations Beverages/Alcohol Long-standing regulations…….. The decision to accept an individual ad or a category of advertising is always at the discretion of the owner or publisher of a media outlet.
^GENERIC CODE OF PRACTICE ON TELEVISION PROGRAMME STANDARDS(PDF). COMMUNICATIONS AUTHORITY. 25 SEPTEMBER 2020 [21 November 2021]. (原始内容(PDF)存档于2021-05-18). The family viewing hours are determined as the period between the hours of 4:00p.m. and 8:30p.m. on any day, during which time nothing which is unsuitable for children should be shown.请检查|date=中的日期值 (帮助)
^Nelson D. E., et al. 2013. Alcohol-attributable cancer deaths and years of potential life lost in the United States. Am J Public Health 103, 641–648.
^ 67.067.1Mart, S., Giesbrecht, N. and Society for the Study of Addiction. 2015. Red flags on pinkwashed drinks: contradictions and dangers in marketing alcohol to prevent cancer. Addiction 110, 1541-1548
^Canadian Cancer Society. 2019. Risk Factors for Cancer.Accessed 30 November 2019
^Mart, S., Giesbrecht, N. and Society for the Study of Addiction. 2015. Red flags on pinkwashed drinks: contradictions and dangers in marketing alcohol to prevent cancer. Addiction 110, 1541-1548. Table 1, p.1543.
^O'Brien K, and Kypri K. Alcohol industrysponsorship of sport and hazardous drinking among New Zealand sportspeople. Addiction 2008; 103(12): 1961-6.
^O'Brien K.S., Miller P.G., Kolt G.S., Martens M.P., Webber A. Alcohol industry and non-alcohol industry sponsorship of sportspeople and drinking. Alcohol and Alcoholism 2011; 46: 210-13.
Two articles among many are Effects of Alcohol Advertising Exposure on Drinking Among Youth, Snyder et al., Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med/ Vol 160, Jan 2006 pg. 18-24 and Exposure to Television Ads and Subsequent Adolescent Alcohol Use, Stacy et al., American Journal of Health Behavior, Nov-Dec 2004, pg. 498–509. To view the literature go to pubmed.gov and search for alcohol advertising and adolescent behavior or some iteration of this. These articles and related studies are reviewed in J.P. Nelson, "What is Learned from Longitudinal Studies of Advertising and Youth Drinking and Smoking?" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 7(3), March 2010, pp. 870–926. Open Access: http://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/7/3/870 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆); and J.P. Nelson, "Alcohol Marketing, Adolescent Drinking, and Publication Bias in Longitudinal Studies: A Critical Survey using Meta-Analysis," Journal of Economic Surveys, 25(2), April 2011, pp. 191–232.
Federal Trade Commission. Alcohol Marketing and Advertising: A Report to Congress. Washington, DC: Federal Trade Commission, 2003.
Fisher, Joseph C. Advertising, Alcohol Consumption, and Abuse: A Worldwide Survey. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1993, p. 150.
Frankena, M., Cohen, M., Daniel, T., Ehrlich, L., Greenspun, N., and Kelman, D. Alcohol Advertising, Consumption and Abuse. In: Federal Trade Commission. Recommendations of the Staff of the Federal Trade Commission: Omnibus Petition for Regulation of Unfair and Deceptive Alcoholic Beverage Marketing Practices, Docket No. 209-46. Washington, DC: Federal Trade Commission, 1985.
Sanders, James. Alcohol Advertisements Do Not Encourage Alcohol Abuse Among Teens. In: Wekesser, Carol (ed.) Alcoholism. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1994. Pp. 132–135, p. 133.
"Issues" at the Distilled Spirits Industry Council of Australia Inc. site