特劳德尔·容格回忆道,希特勒“总是不吃肉”,但希特勒的奥地利厨师Kruemel有时会往他的菜里放入少许动物肉汤或脂肪。“绝大多数时候,元首都会注意到這一點,接着会十分生气,然后出现腹痛,”容格说,“到最后他只允许Kruemel为自己做清汤和土豆泥了[16]。”另外,在1943年成为希特勒的营养师的Marlene von Exner据说曾在希特勒不知情的情况下往他的汤里加过骨髓,因为她非常不認同只吃素食這一行為。[17]
有人推理说希特勒其实从来都不是素食主義者,那些都是为了美化他的形象而编造的。英国历史传记作家罗伯特·佩恩(英语:Robert Payne (author))在著作《希特勒的生与死》(The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler,1973年)中称希特勒的饮食接近禁慾主義,而且宣传部长約瑟夫·戈培爾刻意为元首树立起了这个形象,以强调希特勒的自律与对德国的全身心奉献精神[23]。素食主义活动家、素食主义历史作者琳恩·貝里(英语:Rynn Berry)支持这种看法,称希特勒的素食主义只是“纳粹政治宣传機器們编造出來的”,他们想给希特勒创造更好的公众形象,希特勒吃素也大部分出于健康考虑,而非道德,尤其要注意他对肝脏馅小麵糰的偏爱,他总结说“希特勒无论如何也不是个讲道德伦理的素食主義者”[24][25]。1997年,纳粹大屠杀否认论支持者、前奥地利自由党县理事会成员沃尔夫冈·弗洛里希(Wolfgang Fröhlich)称希特勒最爱的食物是Eiernockerl(英语:Eiernockerl)。[26]
Arnold Arluke和Boria Sax这两位研究人员共同在《人类与动物学:人与动物的互相作用的多学科期刊》(Anthrozoös:A Multidisciplinary Journal of the interactions of People and Animals)上发表过一篇报告,其结论是希特勒及其他很多主要纳粹德国领导人表露出对动物的关心以及对宠物的热爱是因为“动物在他们眼中‘品德高尚’‘天真无邪’,是大多数人类所不具备的理想品质的象征。的确,捕猎或食用动物本身就是一种亵渎行为,是‘腐朽‘与变态的标志。另一方面,人在他们眼中是‘可鄙的’‘可怕的’以及‘令人失望的’。”[34]
^(The Hitler Book: The Secret Dossier Prepared for Stalin from the Interrogations of Hitler's Personal Aides Audio CD – Audiobook, CD, Unabridged by Henrik Eberle (Author), Matthias Uhl (Author), and Michael Prichard (Narrator) p. 136)
^Charlier, P.; Weil, R.; Rainsard, P.; Poupon, J.; Brisard, J.C. The remains of Adolf Hitler: A biomedical analysis and definitive identification. European Journal of Internal Medicine. May 2018, 54: e10–e12. PMID 29779904. doi:10.1016/j.ejim.2018.05.014.
^(Payne Robert: The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler, (New York: Praeger, 1973), pp. 346-7)
^(Kalechofsky, op. cit., p. 2. / Toland, op cit., p. 826)
^(Fritz Redlich M.D, Hitler: Diagnosis of a Destructive Prophet (Oxford: OUP, 1998), pp. 77–8)
^(Thomas Fuchs (2000). A Concise Biography of Adolf Hitler. New York: Berkley Books(英语:Berkley Books). p. 78)
^Payne, Robert. The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler. New York: Dorset Press. 2002: 346. Hitler's asceticism played an important part in the image he projected over Germany. According to the widely believed legend, he neither smoked nor drank, nor did he eat meat or have anything to do with women. Only the first was true. He drank beer and diluted wine frequently, had a special fondness for Bavarian sausages and kept a mistress, Eva Braun, who lived with him quietly in the Berghof. There had been other discreet affairs with women. His asceticism was fiction invented by Goebbels to emphasize his total dedication, his self-control, the distance that separated him from other men. By this outward show of asceticism, he could claim that he was dedicated to the service of his people.
^Proctor 1999, p. 136. "Several of [Hitler's] biographers point to the influence of nationalist antisemitic composer, Richard Wagner." See also: Moore, Gregory. (2002). Nietzsche, Biology and Metaphor. Cambridge University Press. ISBN0-521-81230-5. pp. 155-157: