19th century Spanish conservative political movement
The neocatólicos ("neo–Catholics ", shorted to neos ) was a counter-revolutionary political tradition, faction or movement in late 19th-century Spain, emerged during the reign of Isabella II , akin to "Isabelline traditionalism" and "authoritarian conservatism ", fusing anti-liberalism with the defence of the queen's dynastic legitimacy.
Part of the 19th century Spanish counter-revolutionary though, and described as the "extreme right of the Moderate Party that had in Donoso Cortés their father and inspirator", the political struggle of the neos , already coalesced by 1860, sided them with Carlism against the liberal advances and republicanism .
After the 1868 Glorious Revolution (and overthrow of Isabella II) they tended to join the ranks of Carlism. Later in the 19th century, during the Restoration , politicians with a neo-Catholic background would enjoy, unlike old Carlists, some presence in the Conservative cabinets. By 1888 many of them helped to form the Integrist Party .
Neos often attacked Krausists , deriding them as "Pantheists" and "anti-Catholics".
Some neo-Catholic representatives include Cándido Nocedal [es ] , Antonio Aparisi y Guijarro , Gabino Tejado [es ] , Eduardo González Pedroso [es ] and Ortí y Lara [es ] .
Álvarez Chillida, Gonzalo (2002). El antisemitismo en España: la imagen del judío, 1812-2002 . Madrid: Marcial Pons Ediciones de Historia. ISBN 84-95379-44-9 .
Colom González, Francisco (2016). "Political Catholicism and the secular state: A Spanish predicament" . In Colom González, Francisco; D'Amato, Gianni (eds.). Multireligious Society: Dealing with Religious Diversity in Theory and Practice . London & New York: Routledge . pp. 77– 91. ISBN 978-1-472-48802-2 .
Cruz Romeo, María (2015). "Escritores neocatólicos en el espacio públco liberal: el filtro de la 'modernidado". Donoso Cortés. El reto del liberalismo y la revolución (PDF) . Madrid: Community of Madrid. ISBN 978-84-451-3512-9 .
Dupont, Alexandre (2014). "¿Hacia una Internacional neo-católica? Trayectorias cruzadas de Louis Veuillot y Antonio Aparisi y Guijarro" (PDF) . Ayer . 95 : 211– 236. ISSN 1134-2277 .
González Cuevas, Pedro Carlos (2001). "Las tradiciones ideológicas de la extrema derecha española" . Hispania . 61 (207). Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas : 99– 141. doi :10.3989/hispania.2001.v61.i207.308 .
Rivera García, Antonio (2014). "Nineteenth-Century Spanish Counter-Revolution: The Critique to Liberal Parliamentarism and the Praise of the Traditional Constitution" . In Palonen, Kari; Rosales, José María; Turkka, Tapani (eds.). The Politics of Dissensus: Parliament in Debate . Santander & Madrid: Cantabria University Press; McGraw-Hill Interamericana de España . pp. 127– 148. ISBN 978-84-8102-701-3 .
Rodríguez Jiménez, José Luis (2002). La extrema derecha en España: del tardofranquismo a la consolidación de la democracia (1957-1982) (PDF) . Madrid: Universidad Complutense de Madrid .
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