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Saint Lucian Americans

Saint Lucian Americans
Total population
14,592[1] (2010 US Census)
Regions with significant populations
New York City
English, Saint Lucian Creole French

Saint Lucian Americans are Americans of full or partial Saint Lucian ancestry.


Before 1965, Saint Lucians preferred the United Kingdom as a migratory destination. Saint Lucians then have shown a marked preference to immigrate to the United States as a migratory destination after 1965. Between 1965 and 2000, more than 70% of emigrating Saint Lucians went to the United States. More than 15,000 Saint Lucians had migrated and permanently resided in the United States by the late 1990s. Many of Saint Lucian immigrants settled in New York metropolitan area.[2]

Notable people

See also


  1. ^ "SELECTED SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS IN THE UNITED STATES 2006-2010. American Community Survey Population Tables". U.S. Census Bureau. Archived from the original on 2020-02-12. Retrieved 2014-12-26.
  2. ^ Kwéyòl in Postcolonial Saint Lucia: Globalization, Language Planning, and National Development. p. 91.

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